Loki-Cages pt 2

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A/N: One of my lovely readers said they would like more of this Loki story so here you are my dear. Enjoy.


Tony and Thor were pissed and that was an understatement. After I had JARVIS show Steve pictures of how he was being held he took my side. Fury was staying out of it coward. Bruce also took my side of things. Clint and Nat were on the fence, especially Clint, given the whole mind control thing. Bucky also took my stance, he had been caged and tortured.

A few days after I removed him from his cage I was doing my normal routine of cleaning when I heard a voice I didn't recognize. "I should've left you in that waste land as a child." That was harsh. "Hold still and take your punishment." I followed the voice back into the room Loki had been caged in the other day. Two people were holding him down while another stood in front of him doing something. Odin stood at the head shouting horrid things at his son. Another stood behind holding a whip.

Rage flowed through me, "What the devil is going on here?" I asked coming into the room.

"This doesn't concern you, go," Odin said.

"Piss off," I said coming over to Loki to see his mouth had been sewn shut. "Oh my fucking god! What did you do?" This was insane. "You call this punishment? You're out of your mind, this is torture." I turned back to Loki and pushed the two people off of him and the one in front away. I pulled Loki to his feet, "come on Loki, I'll help you get cleaned up." The back of his shirt was torn and had some blood on it. He had been whipped.

I led him to my room and sat him on the bed, "Wait here," I said putting my hand on the side of his face. Tears were running down his face and his lips were bleeding. I went into my bathroom to get my first aid kit and a bowl of warm water. I came back to Loki with the supplies. "Sorry, this is going to hurt a bit," I said. He nodded and I gently wiped the blood away, cleaning his lips. I then used a numbing agent on his lips to make it easier to cut the threads. I explained to him what I was doing. He nodded, tears still streaming.

When ready I sterilized the scissors and as gently as possible began to cut the threads in his mouth. He squeezed the stress ball I gave him as I worked. When I pulled the last thread he pulled away from me. "Sorry Loki," I said handing him the rag so he could mop up his face. "Would you like me to clean your back?" He nodded. I helped him pull his shirt off to see two marks on his back. I got a fresh bowl of warm water and a new cloth to clean his back. "What was Odin so angry about?" I asked struggling to keep the anger out of my voice. I had barely kept myself from attacking him.

"I was out of my cell," Loki mumbled.

"And where does he think you're going to go?" He couldn't set foot outside of the tower without risking his life. We were in New York after all. Loki shrugged. I sighed as I finished the liquid stitches on his back. I went to get one of the sweat shirts I had stolen from Bucky for Loki to wear.

I was currently in a shouting match with Thor. He kept interfering with the healing process I was trying to implement. "Are you trying to make your brother suicidal? Do you care about your brother at all?" I shouted. I had taken Thor to the roof so Loki wouldn't hear us. Right now he was completely catatonic. Thor and Tony had said some things to him and now he wouldn't even talk to me.

He had also stopped eating. "He can be dangerous."

"Do you want him dead?" I asked. "If you have any love left for your brother you'll leave him alone. Your anger is going to destroy what's left of him. And keep Odin away as well or he'll be planning two funerals." I turned to Tony who had come up to see what the yelling was about, "you stay out of it as well or I'll be the one throwing you out a window." I went back down to my room where Loki was now hiding in my closet.

I came over to him and crouched down in front of him. "Feeling any better?" He looked up at me and shook his head. He had his knees pulled to his chest and arms around them. "You can talk to me Loki," I said. He sighed, I knew he wanted to, "The others can't do anything about it." I passed him a biscuit and he shook his head. "Loki you need to eat, that's part of the reason you don't feel good," I said rubbing his back.

He sighed and took the biscuit and broke a piece off handing it to me. "Very well," I said taking the piece of bread and taking a bite. After I swallowed he took a bite of his. After I got him to eat I was called to the main room. I tucked him into bed, "I'll be back Loki, try to get some rest, you're safe here. If you need me tell JARVIS." He nodded.

I sighed as I turned to leave the room. The last week had been eventful, to say the least. When I entered the main living area I was surprised to see everyone there. "What's this? An intervention?" I asked looking around.

"What are you doing with Loki?" Tony asked.

"Saving a life, does not all life matter?"

"Why? He killed so many," Clint replied.

"Have you and Nat not done the same? Both of you were given a second chance. Why shouldn't he be given a chance?" As I was questioned I stayed calm, not raising my voice. It wouldn't do any good.

"Because he wants a throne," Tony said.

No," I stated calmly.

"No?" Tony asked.

"Thor, do you know the one thing your brother has always wanted since you were both children?" I asked.

"No," Thor replied after a moment.

"To be your equal," I replied. I turned and walked away.

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