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Bucky and I were the only two in the tower at the moment. Everyone else was on a mission and had been for a week. He was new to the team and so still getting used to everyone, I had been injured on the last mission and had to heal. Bucky and I both being loners had a floor to ourselves. I guess Tony wanted me to babysit him.

I didn't mind having someone else on the floor with me. The space was more than big enough. He and I didn't really interact too much. It was the ninth day of everyone being gone and Bucky had agreed to watch a movie. I put in Grease, hopeful it wouldn't trigger anything negative. Plus the movie had dancing from the '40s, maybe he'd teach me.

"When do think they'll be back," Bucky asked.

I looked over at him, he looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes. Had he not been sleeping? "I'm sure they'll be back in a day or two," I replied. I sighed, he didn't like people asking questions but I was going to. "Bucky, have you slept any this past week?"

He looked over at me like he didn't know what I was talking about and I just raised my eyebrow. "No," he answered.

"You need to sleep Buck," I replied adjusting the ice pack on my body.

"Can't," he replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. I didn't try to make eye contact with him as I knew he wouldn't give it at the moment.

"Are you going to make me?" he asked. He was referring to my ability as alpha to make someone bend to my will. I was an alpha shifter, their queen.

"No, you have free will," I replied. I had a pretty good guess of what kept him up at night, I had night terrors as well. "Would you like me to stay with you tonight? You aren't alone anymore Bucky." I finally turned to face him.

"No," Bucky said getting up off the sofa and leaving. I sighed. I knew he wanted to talk to Steve, but Steve wasn't here.


Later that night I woke to someone screaming. "JARVIS, did someone break-in?" I asked as I ran to Bucky's room. I heard a lot of noise like someone was in a fight.

"No, miss," JARVIS replied.

"Bucky!" I called running down the hall and knocking his door in. Bucky seemed to be asleep and fighting something, mainly himself. He was pounding on himself and punching the walls.

"BUCKY!" I called trying to wake him without touching him. "BUCKY!" I wasn't getting a response from him and he was going to get himself hurt. I came up behind him and pinned his arms to his side. He instantly woke up and tried to fight me. "Bucky, it's okay, it's me, Yasmine, relax." Suddenly he stopped fighting me and just started sobbing.

"I got you Bucky, you're safe," I muttered to him. I stayed with him, holding him from behind till he calmed down. When he was ready I helped him back to the bed and I sat down beside him.

"Thank you," Bucky said.

"You're welcome Bucky." I stayed up and talked to him till he drifted off.

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