Lucifer and SHIELD part 2

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Lucifer's POV

It had been about a week since Lucy brought me into her house. It was a small cottage in a rural area. The spare room she led me to had a full-sized bed, dresser, small closet, and night side table with lamp. There was a window above the bed overlooking the backyard. It had more privacy than the place I had left. I had to share a bathroom with her as there was only one. She was in the kitchen making something for dinner.

She had just come home from work. I still hadn't heard back from Chole. I came into the kitchen to see she was on the phone. "I don't care Fury. You started this mess, you have to clean it up. You can't go around tearing families apart." I didn't hear his response but it clearly annoyed her. "Are there not bigger issues to concern yourself with? The possibility of a nuclear war? World War Three? All the other wars going on right now? Those that die because they don't have clean water, or food, or access to simple medication to treat the smallest of things?"

"I don't care if he is the devil Fury. Reread your Bible, your precious god is responsible for millions of more deaths and made his followers kill to prove their loyalty. Who is the bad guy?" she hung up and threw the phone. She muttered something that sounded like 'crazy old man'.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Peachy," she sighed. "A brick wall would be more cooperative," she said turning off the burner and pulling something out of the oven. She pulled out two plates and put a chicken breast, pasta, and a bun on each plate. She set them on the table and grabbed the drinks. She preferred milk or water. She poured a full wine glass for me.

We both sat down to eat, "so I guess that was about why I was taken?"

"Yes," she replied. "It's going to take me a bit to get that from him." I sighed. "Don't worry Lucifer, I'll get the info. Fury may be a crazy coot, but he wants to do the right thing. I just need to know how to flip him to my point of view."

~1 month later~

Lucy's POV

I finally had Fury and Chole both in my living room. Fury was there to explain why he had ripped a family apart. I had Chole there so she could hear it from the horse's mouth since she thought I was sleeping with her man. I didn't mess with those that were spoken for. I sat with Lucifer on the couch, Chole across from us on the armchair, and Fury was in the recliner. This was going to be a long day. Chole had been surprised to see that Lucifer was in his devil form.

"So, you think I can fix this," Fury said.

"You can start the healing process by answering why. Why did this happen? Why did you take him? Why rip apart a family? Answer all of their questions," I said.

"People aren't supposed to know about the divine, he was always too open about being the devil," Fury started.

"And you thought most people would take him seriously? Most people would dismiss that," I replied. "Do you want to get into the debate of what people believe when it comes to religion? Those differences in beliefs have been tearing the world apart since mankind walked the earth."

"The real problem began when he became god," Fury said. I rolled my eyes.

"What is that supposed  to mean?" Chole asked.

"Too many big issues were being solved too quickly, too many miracles. People were starting to notice," Fury answered. 

"No one found it strange but you," I said pulling out my phone. "Shut down the facility," I said once I made the call and hung up—time for this to end.

"So you mean to tell me the reason I don't have my family is because I was helping people?" Lucifer shouted. He then lunged for Fury and I quickly grabbed him around the waist, pinning his arms and wings to his side. He pulled against me as he shouted and started to sob. I knew if he attacked Fury, he would be put back into the facility. Chole was in shock or something, trying to process what was said.

"He's not worth it Lucifer. Sooner or later it will come back to him," I said as Lucifer went to his knees. "Fury, leave, now."

"This is what I had him taken for," Fury said.

"Everyone has a breaking point Fury, poke the bear long enough you'll get bit. He's an angel and a god, if he really wanted to, I couldn't stop him. Answer any last questions and leave, now. I won't be responsible for you," I warned. Fury stood and left and I relaxed my hold but didn't let go. Lucifer was holding on to me.

"Would you get off of him?" Chole asked as I still held onto Lucifer. Lucifer was gripping at my hands and sleeves, not to get away or push me off, but to hold on like a lifeline. I wasn't afraid of him. I still stood behind him, holding him. Chole seemed annoyed that I was the one holding him, yet she made no move to come to him.

"Oh for the love of the nine realms, I'm asexual. I don't care about having sex. Let's all take a break, collect our thoughts, and try again." I left her in the living room and came out to the kitchen with Lucifer. We sat down in the window seat and he took a shaky breath. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't know what to do," he said. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Are you asking for my opinion?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes," he replied.

"For the moment, focus on you. Figure out what you need in this moment to heal. Later, when both you and she are ready, talk about what your goals are and therapy. I would start with individual therapy so both of you could process everything, then couples therapy. Get the relationship stable again so the both of you can talk without getting angry." He sighed and there was a knock on the door frame.

Chole was standing there. "You're right. We should both start with therapy. I'm sorry."

"What changed your mind?" I asked.

"Fury told me the torture you experienced in the facility and she was the only one to step up to get you out. To give you a chance," Chole said.

"I didn't want you to know," Lucifer said. After another upsetting argument I got them both to agree to therapy and after six months to see if they were any closer to getting on the same page. Calls to his girls Trixie and Rory were negotiated.

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