Loki - Cages pt 4

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Loki and I were sitting out on the pier, I had somehow managed to convince the others to let him outside of the tower. Being stuck inside, in one place wasn't good for you, especially when the people you were stuck with didn't like you. We both had a milkshake and an order of fries between us. We sat watching the sunset as we ate. "How did you convince the others to allow this?"

"Not sure," I replied. "The fact my dad turns into the Hulk might have something to do with it." Some seemed to fear pissing me off in fear that it would piss off Bruce and in turn make Hulk pissed off.

"Do they think you're going to do something to them?"

"More like dad, he turns into the Hulk after all," I replied. I finished the last fry as the green flash happened.

"That's more dramatic in movies," Loki said.

"Always is," I replied. It wasn't nearly as impressive as the Pirates of the Caribbean movies made it look.

"You said you weren't an avenger," Loki said looking at me. He was on my blind side so I couldn't see him but I could feel him looking at me.

"I'm not," I replied turning to him.

"So what was that training the other day?"

"Just in case, being with them all the time kind of paints a target on my back, especially since Bruce is my dad. People will use me to get to him. The point is for me to be able to get away, get to help. I'm not good enough to last long-term in a fight. Bucky could take me out in seconds, most of the 'fight' is humoring me."

"So why bother?" 

"They only stop when I get the technique right," I replied.

"Give yourself more credit," Steve said.

"Jesus Christ," I said throwing my empty milkshake container at him. "Don't sneak up on a half-blind person ding dong."

"Sorry," Steve said while laughing at me.

"Laugh it up boy wonder, keep it up and I'll get you back."

"Sure you will," he said not believing me. "You fight better than you think. Bucky's been teaching you what he was taught for fighting. He's impressed with how quickly you learned."

"Learning quickly is required for survival," I replied. I sighed, I didn't like it when people complimented me, it meant the focus was on me. The only time the focus was on me growing up was when I sang on the streets for money so dad and I could eat.

"Let's get back to the tower," Steve said. 

"I know the way back," I replied.

"Tony isn't going to like it if you come back after dark," Steve said.

"Tony isn't my father," I replied. "You ready for a walk in the park?" I asked Loki.

"You're going to Central Park at night?" Steve asked.

"If you're so worried, come with," I said turning away from the pier and heading into the city. Loki wanted to see the stars, there was one place for that in the city.

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