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Schneeps pov

I told him everything that happened and he liztened... juzt like before I zhut him out of my life. Like nofing had changed...

,,I knov zhat Anti iznt bad! Zomefing must have hapopened! Zh-zhis viruz... i-it made me remember ztuff. B-But I don't knov vhat it iz yet. I juzt knov zhat Anti and I talked and I told him he could erase my memory. H-He vaz zad in zhis memory. A-And he told me zhat if I forgot too zhat it vould be eazier for me to mofe on. L-Like he zaid- zhat zhe others forgot zo I-I fink none of zhe otherz have zhis memory but I cant help but fink zhat zhis is important! I-I fink zhis virus zhat he gave me iz for- getting rid of zome kind of magic- I-I fink he didn't mean to make it zo ztrong zhat I vould remember... whatever it iz zhat he zaid..."

In zhe end I fink ve talked vor hours and zomehow he got my mind off my problemz and onto anotzher topic...

,,Well I'm glad Y/N Y/L/N is-"

,,Vait! Y/L/N?! Az in (Your mums name) L/N?!"

,,Yes. Y-you didn't know?"

,,No! No! I didn't know! Y/M/N told me zo much about Y/N! Zhe-Zhe waz- My patient! Zhe woman zhat we couldn't save! She waz- I-I killed Y/N's mother!"

Iplier grabben me and shook me a little.

,,Hey! No! You did not kill her! Cancer killed her Schneep! Not you! At some point cancer is not- you know... but it's not your fault. I know this death has been really hard on you but I need you to understand that you didn't kill Y/M/N."

,,H-Hov?! Hov am I suppozed to-"

,,After all these years- I know you're still holding on to this but- You have to let go. Promise me that you'll try to."

I sighed and nodded.

,,If you ever need help. I'm here and just a call away."

He pulled me into anotzher hug and zhen I left to go back home. I needed anzwerz!

Zhe moment I valked in Jamie walked up to me, grabbed my zhoulderz and looked at me concerned.

,,I-I'm alraight Jamie- I- I'm ok-... D-Did yu knov zhat Y/N's mother w-vaz my patenient?"

He looked at me and shook his head.

"I just know that their mother was mute and deaf."

He signed to which I nodded.

,,Fank yu... I-I-'ll get zome zleep..."

The mustache man nodded and pat my back before I walked upstairs. I-I waz zo tired zhat I fell right into my bed and zlipped avay to dreamland.


It vaz a veird dream. Anti and I vere ztanding in a red room... He looked zo much younger and I vaz wearing my old coat...

,,Henrik. We need to talk."

,,Vhat iz it?"

,,I-I told you about me c-creating you right?"

,,Yez you did! I'm zo happy to be your friend-"

,,I-I need you to forget that."


,,I-I... Jack... ,thanks to me, had to go under the knife... Normally people dont have multiple personalities that show themselves... I shouldn't be able to speak but I was able to thats why they cut it and... somehow the doc fucked it up and now all of this is happening...they connection between the left and right brain to help him... He-He got all the power while I-I got none a-and I-I'm trapped and-"

,,Zhat iz why you created me?"

,,I-I gave up part of me to make you. I-I gave you... m-my curiosity and- everything that wants to learn. I-i knew that im slowly going insane... th-thats why I made Jackie... to be able to protect Jack while you can make sure that if I hurt him... he's still alright. To be honest sometimes I don't even know If I created you or if Jack did..."

,,Vell zhat makez zense... I'm a doctha and Jackie iz a hero. B-but why the otherz-"

,,I-I cut off more from me to make them s-so every good quality is-... not mine anymore. I-I needed to make sure that those qualities don't go insane with me."

,,O-Ok zo-Y-you created me zo zhat you're not lonely anymore zince you lozt control of your body and are trapped here... but vhy are y-you ztill going crazy vhen you're not alone?"

,,C-Cause- I-I'm jealous... I want my body back. So bad that I can't stop myself so... more people more chance for Jack to stay safe..."

,,B-But if yu gave avay all of your good qualities then..."

,,I have the rest. I have depression... and everything else that could hurt any of you. That's why none of you are comfortable around me. That's why I need you to forget. If you forget that I created you, you will be able to focus on your life."

,,I-If zhat iz vhat yu vant zhen make me forget."


,,You're scared and I-I might feel like something is missing when I forget but... you hafe to remember. If you ever feel like you can't take it anymore or if you need me. Make me remember and I'll help you."


,,No Andrew."

,,Don't call me by my real name-"

,,You're my best friend Andrew. I'd do anything for you. And you cam be happy that I didn't call you by your full name."

,,You're the worst."

,,Oh am I Andrew Anthony-"

,,Alright! Alright! I take it back!"

We both chuckled and zhen I valked over, hugging him.

,,No matter vhat you'll alvays be my bezt friend and I doubt you can make me forget that. You have to promise me zhat if you need help yu make me remember."

,,I promise."

,,Best friends forever?"

,,Best friends forever."

I pulled avay and smiled.

,,I'll miss you."


I zhot up and turned on the light, looking around.

,,H-He'z my friend! I-I-I need to help him!"

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