Small smile

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Jacks Pov

This had to be the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Chase always has... interesting  plans, but I didn't think it would be that stupid. Sending Anti and me to get stuff for Schneeplestein's room wasn't really what I had hoped for... Chase wants us to get along... good luck to me, after what happened im pretty sure he will never want to see me or anyone again.

,,Hey, Anti... uhm so whats on the list? What do we have to get?''

I asked. He looked at me with that typical ,,I am mad and you should burn in hell look'' on his face. You know, the one we all know... ok maybe thats just me...

I ignored it, rolled my eyes and grabbed the list that Chase gave him.


He tried to grab it again, but I turned away from him, held the list away from me so anti couldn't grab it from behind me.

,,Ok... so we just have to get him decoration and pillows and stuff...''


,,Dont be so childish, let's just get this over with so you can go back to your room again.''

I thought we was going to explode but instead he just grabbed my arm, pulled me a bit closer and suddenly everything disappeared. I couldn't feel the floor beneath my feet and panicked. I hugged on to him and closed my eyes. I didnt want to die yet! Were we flying?! How high were we?

//Please dont drop me! I dont wanna die just yet!//

Oh he wanted this, he wanted me to panic! That green turtle... I was panicking, my mind going crazy, telling me I was dead, that he was going to kill me but then...

,,You can let go now.''

He said, his voice showing how clearly annoyed he was...


I opened my eyes and looked at him, yep... he's annoyed.


He didn't look at me he just stared infront of him, his arms crossed, one foot tapping on the floor, waiting for me to let go. Looking around i noticed we were already at the store... I let go of him and waved a hand through my hair.

,,Great. so uhm... Pillows.''

We went through the store and got everything Chase wanted us to get, and were now walking home with a few bags. We didn't talk. I mean I tried, but Anti wouldnt answer anything I asked. He just looked down at the floor...

I had enough. I know the whole police stuff hurt him, but I didn't take them away because I wanted to hurt him. Y/N has changed Anti in such a short time and I- I'm glad.

You know what? no! I am not just happy, I am proud, but I can't leave this whole thing just like this. I want to talk to him and finally at least try to find one thing we can agree on.


No answer, he turned his head to the side, away from me, still looking down, ignoring me completely.


I said again, this time in a more strict tone. His shoulders rose up and he started to shake a bit. He started to walk faster, away from me but I wouldn't just let him get out of this. So I dropped the bags, grabbed his shoulders and turned him around.

,,Anti look at me''


,,What's wrong Anti? tell me.This whole thing, the way you act, everything can't just be because of the whole police thing. I-''

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