Dream... team?

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Antis Pov

Thank the devil that everyone did shut up after that. I wouldn't have been able to listen to another word from them.

All of them acting like they care but the truth was that they didn't. They didn't do anything until I stepped in.

Now they were staring at me like I just killed a dog infront of their eyes...

//What now?//

I wasn't even sure if I should just build up the Doc's bed or do more than that. He wouldn't rest if his bed was in his room, he just couldn't.

I know how he works. He'll stay in bed and as soon as someone leaves, he stands up and does research. His whole room didn't help his problems. Hes drowning himself in work thats not even there. Not long and Schneep might go crazy, hurting others just so he can help them.

On top of that there was simply no place for the bed in there.

He needs to calm down so he can get his job back at the hospital and help all of those people, but before he can do that... he needs a place to relax at.

I won't talk to these assholes about it, they have no clue how to help anyone...

,,You idiots don't help anyone, all you do is making everything worse! Now leave Y/N and me alone so we can work!"

Of course our favorite "Youtube star" spoke up... He never shuts up does he? I opened my arms to Y/N who ran up to me and hugged me back. I rolled my eyes and stood up with Y/N on my arm, their arms around my neck.

They were tired, they didn't want to talk anymore. Their little head rested on my shoulder for a while before they hid their face in my shirt.

,,Anti... We just want to help with something that is actually a problem for you."

,,You want to help with my problems?! Didn't you listen? Oh wait of course you didn't. I want to help the Doctor and I do not need your help.

And also you would've taken Y/N to the police and gave them away without talking to me. You didn't take them away because you're worried about me but because you're worried about the kid not being safe. I'm not stupid."

,,Come on dude! Lets us help you!"

,,You wouldnt be able to help even if you listened."

,,Well maybe we do."

I looked around the room, they all looked at me, waiting. I can't just open up to them after they kidnapped my child...

But... this isn't about me.

This is about Henrik...

My... friend?

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