Shut the fuck up.

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Anti's POV

I was in the doc's room, just sitting on his blue doc bed, looking at him. He slept with his head hanging over the sink, his arms dangling off to the side. As for the throwing up, it had stopped a while ago and he just started rambling about his life after that. He really didn't have it easy.

With him being always caught up with his and others work, he couldn't relax and take time for himself. He told me that his life wasn't easy and that nothing will ever improve for him. I knew that that last statement was false, since Chase had me poisoning Henrik, I knew that he would get better real soon. To be honest, after he told me everything, I was worried. Do not tell him that tho. He told me how he had to deal with patients, that we're on their deathbed, everyday and how he felt devastated after every person he couldn't save.

I looked over to him, I saw him crying. He had told me, that he worked too much and that's why he couldn't go to the hospital anymore. He had to work so hard to keep himself from disappearing, while doing his work and in the end he couldn't do what he wanted to do, because they put him on holiday.

He just wanted to see the last moments of the lifes of his patients and make them the best as they could be, but in the end... The person that he wanted to save the most, died. He was too late. The hospital didn't notice soon enough to tell him about them dying, so he couldnt tell them how much they were worth...

He told me, as he got there, he was being pulled out by two security guards. His not so friend doctor couldn't save them, because he didn't have the knowledge. Henrik shouted at them and even broke free, but the not so friend doctor stopped him. Schneep's voice cracked and it took him a while until he could continue.

The other doctor had pulled him out, by wrapping and arm around his stomach. He didn't care how everyone was looking at him, or at least he said so. Even though we all know that's not true. Outside of the hospital, the security guards stood behind his not really friend doctor, as he talked to Schneep.

Until this day his words were still in his head, he just couldn't forget:

,,Henrik... Calm down. You're ruining your reputation."

Schneep didn't really tell me more, he just ranted about how that Doctor shouldn't be there, doing his work.


But right now my thinking got interrupted, by Schneep turning in his sleep and almost falling off the chair. I sighed and stood up, getting to the doc and pulling him to the blue bed. I was about to put him on it but it wasn't comfy.

//Oh... right. He has this stupid-//

,,Dond yu wurry... I do not sleep here my frendo."

,,Then where the fuck do you sleep."

He chuckled standing up, pointing with his finger in the air, then falling over backwards like a brick. I caught im in the last moment and pulled him up. He hang on to me, clutching to my shirt, he said:

,,I sleep on couch. Es ist comfyyyyyy.y...y...y..."

Oh great, he acted like I poisoned him- Oh... right.

,,I am not going to carry you downstairs."

He smiled, standing up again and tumbling back a few steps, almost tripping on his coat. I tried to hold him by his arms so he wouldn't fall, but he was too fast, falling away from me and walking on.

,,Dis is no probleeem. I will haf to walllkkk."

I told him not to, but he had already tumbled to the door and opened it.

,,No doctor will fail ze steirs! I am good at stairs! I got a 1+ in school!"

My eyes widend, as I ran at him, pulling him back from the stairs, saving his fucking ass from falling.

,,Wat seemz to be ze problem?"


,,Ahhh yeeees, I kno!"

He put his right arm around my neck, chocking me, he just wanted to be nice... His grip was tight and I couldn't get out.

,,1+ is an A. Stoopid doctor! I am not in ze german country and I never will!"

He finally let go of my neck as I gasped for air. But then he started to cry out of nowhere, annoying me greatly.

,,I dearly miss my houme."

Not even (Y/N) acted that bad, when I first met them! And they are not even half his age! In the end I teleported to the couch with him. Making my life a heck of a lot easier.

The livingroom was empty, as I helped him out of his coat. I told him to get out of his shoes but he worked against me, acting like a child. After 5 minutes he finally gave up and held onto me, while he took his shoes off. He fell back on the couch, laying down, his eyes almost closing completely. I got the blanket from unter the couch table and threw it over him. It was a thick, comfy blanket that I used to use frequently, a bit ago.

,,Don't give me the mystery blanket, that was laying there for 5 months!"

His voice was normal again, I mean as normal as it could be. His head poked out from under the blanket, looking at me.

//Has it really been 5 months?//

,,It's mine."

I placed a pillow from the couch under his head, as he slowly disappeared under the blanket. It was quiet for a second, before he muttered a small:


,,It's just a blanket."

,,That's not what I meant..."

I was already on my way to the kitchen but stopped, turning around to look at the blob of blanket. He completely hid under the blanket as he continued to whisper:

,,I'm sorry for being such a burden..."

,,Doctor. Can you please shut the fuck up? You fucking saved so many people and now, for once you are ill, because a literal demon poisoned you and you say sorry?! Just for fucking once, swallow your pride and let others take care of you, because you deserve and need it."

He went quiet. No sound was made. I could hear him shifting under the blanket, rolling himself up in it.

,,But I don't deserve it I couldn't sav-"

,,Don't think about it. Sleep. It'll be better when you wake up."

I put a bucket next to the couch, in case he had to throw up again, and some water on the table next to him. He will forget. Not only the hospital thing but the other problems as well...

,,Sleep well doc."

,,Thank you Anti."

,,You're welcome Henrik. You're welcome."

Anti x child reader (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang