"Hey," Moonbyul finally broke the silence "can I teach you how to make Atiny food? If you don't want to you don't have to..."

"I'd love to." Yeosang offered a small smile, finishing his tea and following Moonbyul to the kitchen. "Wait, do you know anyone who doesn't have magic, or only has a little?" Yeosang asked as he held the ingredients Moonbyul gave him. Her hand froze, only for a moment, before she grabbed another ingredient and closed the cupboard.

"Yeah, but only a few. Seonghwa is one of them. And a few other Atiny." Moonbyul said, a little laugh leaving her lips at Yeosang's expression. Obviously he'd been right, Seonghwa was definitely acting differently. But spending time energy and magic to help Yeosang!? He was shocked. More than shocked.

"So what did you want me to do?" Yeosang decided to try distract himself with attempting to cook. Moonbyul's expression brightened, eyes shining as she gently handed him a knife, also giving him a strange neon orange fruit.

Moonbyul began cutting one of her own, directing Yeosang to do the same, "Make sure its diced very small, got it?" They continued like this for a while, chatting every once in a while and Moonbyul giving random instructions when needed.

"What exactly are we making?" Yeosang asked quietly, uncertain. Moonbyul glanced at him for a moment, her bright eyes thoughtful before she lightly shook her head, silver hair bouncing from side to side.

"Why are you so nervous to speak? Just say what's on your mind. And we are making a dessert called inchinria, one that's rather popular among Atiny. Soon we make a dough, and mix ingredients." Moonbyul placed all the fruits they'd cut up into half of a large hollowed out husk, like that of a coconut but twice the size and purple. Then she gathered a few handfuls of these beautiful grey and pink flowers and dumped them on the bench, then handing Yeosang a smaller husk. "If you go to the bottom of the tree, there will be a spring of sap at the bottom. Would you please get me some?" Yeosang nodded, taking the husk and rushing outside.

In truth, Yeosang had never cooked before, and he'd never understood how it could be fun. But he was genuinely excited to see all his work amount to something. So Yeosang slid down the rail of the stairs to the forest floor, after of course checking that no one could see him. Feeling that he was alone, Yeosang let out a small laugh before he ran to the base of the tree. The roots created a small cave-like crevice, a mesmerising glittery liquid found within. Yeosang was part way through filling the husk when he heard someone speak behind him.

"Uh... hello..." The sudden sound startled Yeosang, to the point where his foot slipped and he almost fell in. But a hand gripped his shirt, pulling him back and causing his butt to hit the grass. "I didn't mean to startle you." The person chuckled, Yeosang turning to spot Seonghwa.

"What are you doing here!?" Yeosang hastily stood and brushed himself of dirt. Seonghwa was still laughing lightly, but raised an eyebrow when he saw what Yeosang was wearing. It was a pair of jeans he owned and another one of Mingi's jumpers, a pale green one with flowers decorating the sleeves and centre. Chungha said he had to wear these kinds of clothes for another few days, because they were warm in comparison to his normal outfit.

"This is my house. What are you doing here?" Seonghwa smirked arrogantly, causing frustration to bubble within Yeosang's chest.

"None of your damn business." He snapped, hiding his internal shame at how Seonghwa had not only seen him nearly fall into the little spring of glittery tree sap but also seen him in this embarassing attire with outward aggression. Yet Yeosang turned around too fast to see Seonghwa's reaction.

Planet 187 (Woosan, Yungi, Seongsang) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now