“Nathan I don’t feel so good…” My voice was so weak and came out barely above a whisper. All of my fear had disappeared as I tried my hardest to push down the feeling of passing out. Then I was sick, I couldn’t stop it as the warm substance forced itself out of my body. When I opened my eyes Nathan was looking at me concerned, his face back to normal, I’d thrown up over him why wasn’t he angry, then I realized what was wrong… I hadn’t thrown up sick, I’d thrown up blood. His white shirt was covered in blood, pure blood. I covered my mouth.

            “You should sit down.” He lead me to his bed and sat me down, how could he go from so angry to this. He left the room for a couple second and returned with a wet towel. He began cleaning up my face which I assumed was covered in blood. He placed one hand on the back of my head as he gently wiped up my mouth.

            “I’m sorry.” I was so embarrassed that I’d thrown up on him, even worse it was blood, it was probably torturing him, yet he was so calm as he cleaned me up.

            “Don’t worry about it.” He told me sincerely. 

            “I like this you better.” I whispered. He ignored me and chucked the wet towel across the room. He walked over to his window and I took that as him telling me I could leave now. I got up and made my way to the door.

            “What does it matter what I’m like you’re still his and not mine.” I heard him mumble, I don’t think I was meant to hear so I continued to walk.


            Yesterday I went over to George’s and spent the night after the moment with Nathan I just needed some space. Wade and George were packing up all of my stuff today, I’d already sold the house, it had a list of people wanting it the second I announced it was going on the market. I was going over later this afternoon to look at my parents’ and the twins’ room. I sat down cross legged on David’s bed with my increasing in size bump in my lap resting on my legs. 5 months. The month that most witches wouldn’t make it past. I considered calling David for the thousandth time today, I span my phone around in my hand. I was mad at him for being mad at me in result making him look extremely childish. He was with Pearl, my real mum. I looked identical to her, would that mean this baby would look identical to me?

            “I can practically hear you thinking.” Nathan was stood in the doorway, I hadn’t seen him since yesterday. Normally him just appearing out of nowhere and speaking would make me jump but I was used to it.      

            “Will the baby look like me? Like I do Pearl?”

            “I don’t know.” He seemed shocked that this was what was on my mind. “It’s possible. However you don’t look identical to her just because you’re her daughter, a doppelganger is a supernatural occurrence that is extremely rare, and I mean extremely. It’s too complicated to explain.” I nodded not really that bothered. “Something else on your mind?”

            “I’m going to my house to look in the twins’ and my parents’ room before it’s all packed up.” I told him as I averted my eyes to the floor taking interest in the swirls in the woodwork.

            “Want me to drive you there?” He offered, I looked up slightly shocked at his kind gesture. I nodded.

            “That would be helpful, thanks.” I gave him a small smile, the only smile I could manage. He shrugged it off.

            “We’ll be right here.” Wade put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him and shakily made my way into the twins’ room. Exactly how they left it. Their beds not made after they’d got out of them, pink everywhere. It smelt of them mixed with dust. I went over to the matching dressers with my cardboard box in hand. I had to put their life into one box. An overwhelming feeling of pain crushed my chest as the tears began to fall down my cheeks heavily. Heavy sobs. They were gone and never coming back, I’d accepted that almost instantly after the accident but somehow it hadn’t hit me completely until now. I needed closure. I hadn’t gotten it because I hadn’t come into their rooms. Maybe I hadn’t truly believed that they’d died until now. The funeral nor the numerous visits to their grave had made it believable. Was I in denial until now? Maybe secretly I thought one day they were going to come back to me with mum and dad but they weren’t. Daizy and Roxi are gone. Mum and dad are gone. They died on the 4th of January, they aren’t coming back.

            I picked up the perfume that the twins’ both wore every day. The scent that filled the room. Vanilla. Personally not my favourite scent but it was theirs. I placed it into the box along with old teddy’s, photos of them together and their diaries which they both had placed on their bedside tables, out in the open, trusting each other, and their family, completely. I closed the box and with one of their pens from their bedside tables I wrote on it; ‘Daizy and Roxi’. It was kind of sad how little this box held but it held the things I wanted to keep. I hadn’t entered this room since the crash and now that I had I took one box. I looked around. I sighed. I walked over to the door and placed the box in Wade’s already waiting arms.

George passed me another empty box a silent exchange as I made my way to my parents’ room. I opened the door and walked in shutting it behind me. It smelt strongly of my mums perfume infused with my dad’s aftershave along with dust. Though really they weren’t my parents’, Pearl and some man she killed were, these are the people who raised me though, who earned the right to be called my mum and my dad. The tears were still falling. I didn’t want to be in here much longer. I picked up my mums signature perfume, unlike the twins she wore others but this was my mum’s favourite which she only wore on special events. It wasn’t fruity or anything it was just nice. I placed it in the box. I picked up dad’s only aftershave, and put it beside mums perfume. I went around the room gathering the items I wanted to keep and put them in the box photo albums that were under the bed, one had family photos and the other their wedding photos. I also took the photos that were hanging on the wall. I left the room and put the box in George’s arms.

“I want everything to be donated to charity. There’s a lot of stuff in their. Box it up and take it to charity.” I told them, they nodded their heads.

“You still want the rest of the furniture to be ready to be moved into your new apartment?” Wade asked.

“The things I said, yes.” I nodded. “Thank you. I just wouldn’t be able to put myself through this.”

“You don’t have to thank us, we know you appreciate it.” George smiled at me sweetly.

“I really do.”

“We should be done by the end of the day, we’ve already packed up all your room. Just the furniture and these two rooms.” Wade informed me.

            “I’ll see you soon.” I told them and made my way out of the house. Nathan was sat on the bonnet of his car I made my way over to him. He had a tissue in his hand and began gently wiping my cheeks of the tears.

            “Ready?” He asked me as he placed the tissue back in his pocket. I couldn’t help but let a small smile slip onto my lips, he was being so sweet, this was Nathan, the real Nathan. I nodded and got into the car. We drove back to his house in silence. I was accepting the loss of the house I grew up in, Nathan was letting me accept the loss. It was getting dark out, the sky was clear and you could see the stars brightly shining. I felt a wave of calm wash over me. I’d overcome the last obstacle of my past, their bedrooms, and now I could move on properly. I breathed out a sigh of relief and relaxed.

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