“Not exactly, you were being snappy.”

“Jesus, do you have a thing for me?” he asked her and she scoffed

“Whores aren’t my thing.” She shot at him and I stepped between them and pushed them both back a couple steps.

“It’s not like we’re friends, my sex life is none of your damn concern.” He was seething and looked like he was planning on how to murder her

“Then stop being a dick because you aren’t getting any.”

“Alexis, that’s enough.” I snapped at her, she didn’t know what privacy and personal space were half the time and I was always telling her to stay out of other people’s business “He’s right, his personal life is his business, leave him alone.” I had no doubt she started this, she loved to push people’s buttons.

“Thanks.” He mumbled and I pulled her to another spot across the room and sat her down.

“You were still the last person he’s slept with, even Lindsay hasn’t gotten at him.” she said and I groaned

“It doesn’t matter Alexis, what’s done is done and I’m still upset with myself about it and you bring it up and getting in his business secretly about it doesn’t help.” I snapped at her, she needed to let it go, I was trying to.

“I’m sorry, I’ll back up.” She put her hand on my arm and then held out her pinkie for me, pinkie promises were law to us, our friendship depended on them. I crossed mine with hers and let it drop.

On my free period I was sitting there and I felt the need to throw up again, what the hell is wrong with me. Maybe it’s just my period coming; sometimes I feel sick right before, telling me I’m going to have horrible craps.

When was my last period? I thought to myself, I ended on the, shit I needed a calander.

And then I felt like I couldn’t breathe. It’s September 28.

I start my period around the 20th of every month. I didn’t have it last month. I thought it was just the stress. When was that party, the 11th? I was hyperventilating. I was freaking out and not breathing.

I ran out of the library and went to the art room where Alexis usually spends her free period.

I burst through the room and everyone looked to the door where I caused the noise and she shot up from her seat and came over to me.

“Arianna, what’s wrong?” I didn’t answer her, I couldn’t

“What?” she asked and I pulled her from the classroom

“Did Damon do something to you?” she asked accusingly I shook my head

“I didn’t do shit to her, why would you think that” I froze and looked at him before running into the bathroom and throwing up, this time because I was stressed to the max.

Alexis came in and held my hair again.

“Tell me what’s wrong, why are you crying?” and that’s when I noticed I was indeed crying. I stood up and washed my mouth out and saw Damon standing there.

“This is for females only, get out.” Alexis said

“Why the hell was my name brought up in conversation?” he asked

“I don’t know okay and I don’t owe you an explanation I just don’t feel good” I spoke for the first time.

“Sorry.” He said and his look softened when he looked at me, Alexis really just irked him.

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