Part 31 - Multiversal danger part 4

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Your POV:
You woke up in a very strange place. The only thing that was here, was a bench with a stranger sitting on it. You didn't want to approach him, but it looked like this is your only option. You searched your pockets to check, if you have something to protect yourself in case he attacks you. You couldn't find anything, but you somehow lost your balance and fell on the ground. What was strange, you didn't feel any pain. Then you have realised, that this is just a dream, and now when you know about that, you can control it. You started thinking of a gun or something, to protect yourself in this dream, and it materialised in your hand. You approached the stranger with a gun.

???: That won't be necesarry, I have no intentions to harm you.

Y: Then what do you want?

???: I want to help you. Scarlet King is coming to your universe and you need my help to defeat him.

Y: First of all, who are you? Are you an SCP?

990: Yes, you know me as SCP 990.

Y: Right, I should have realised.

990: Listen me carefully. You think, that Scarlet King will attack in New York, but you are wrong. He is not coming to America.

Y: Are you kidding me?! Then we have to move all our troops, SCPs and SCP 999 somewhere else! Where is he going to attack?

990: In every universe, he attacks somewhere else. This time, he will attack in Europa, to specify, In Germany's capital - Berlin.

Y: But why there?

990: As I said, every time, he attacks somewhere else. In ten previous universes, he attacked in: Spain, China, Brasil, Canada, Egypt, Hungary, Japan, Argentina, Mexico and Israel. Do you see the pattern?

Y: Europa, Asia, South America, North America and Africa. After that, it repeats.

990: Yes. And now it is time for Europa.

Y: But how do you know that he will attack in Berlin?

990: Because I know all their moves.

Y: Their moves? What do you mean by "their moves"?

990: Scarlet King isn't the only destroyer, but he is the strongest one of them. And my job as a peace keeper is to protect as many universes as I can.

Y: You are a peace keeper?

990: Yes, but my time for this conversation is coming to the end. So I will tell you something. If you move everything to the Berlin, you will not lose. Now it is time for you to wake up.

After he said that, you woke up in your bed. You checked the clock - It was 5:45 a.m. You checked the date - you still had six days before Scarlet King arrives. You dressed up, left your bedroom and went to your office. You had to talk with the entire O5 council. You quickly made a group call.

O5-10: Is this something important? It is a midnight for me.

Y: It is about Scarlet King. I have talked with 990. He said, that he will not attack in New York, but in Europa, and to specify, in Germany, Berlin.

O5-3: In Europa? Are you sure?

Y: Yes, I am sure, we need to move all our troops, SCP 999 and other SCPs that agreed to help us defeat him to Germany.

O5-3: My beautiful country... My capital... We will have a lot of things to repair after that invasion....

O5-1: Don't worry, we will move all our troops from Europa and USA for this fight. We will do our best to defeat him. By the way Y/N, go with Kayo and your kids to Berlin and start preparing everything. I will send you 20 000 € on your bank account, so you can go to a good hotel and stay there. And I am going to talk with Chaos Insurgency, Serpent's Hand, Church of the Broken God and other organisations to help us in this fight. Now, go and buy yourself and your family plane tickets to Europa. We will meet you there in three days.

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