Part 27 - Family bonds

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Your POV:
Y: So, you want to try and talk with your brother, right?

073: Yes.

Y: You know that this is very dangerous, don't you?

073: I know, but I have to try.

Y: Alright, then lets do that tomorrow, because there is no way that I am going to containment zone 25b now.

073: Sound ok for me.

After the conversation, you went to your room and lied in bed.

K: Did somebody stop you?

Y: Yea, SCP 073, he wants to talk with SCP 076.

K: Is it a problem?

Y: Yes, because 076 hates him.

K: So, why did he want to talk with him?

Y: He wants to make up with him, but to be honest, it may end up in a disaster.

K: So you didn't agree.

Y: No, I agreed and tomorrow we are flying to containment zone 25b.

K: Then I wish you luck. Please, come back in one piece.

Y: I will, don't worry.

On the next day, you took the gun given to you by 343 and with Cain boarded the helicopter. Containment zone 25b was far away from site 28, so it took some time, before you arrived there. When you and Cain left the helicopter, guards instantly approached you.

G1: Hey, this is containment zone 25b, SCP 073 cannot enter this zone for security reasons.

Y: We flied a long way here, and we must perform a cross testing between 073 and 076.

G1: Look, I don't care. As long as you don't have the approval of at least one O5 member, you will not enter this zone with him.

Y: *Shows the O5 ID*

G1: Oh, I am sorry sir, I didn't know that you have this rank. But from what I am aware of, O5s cannot come in contact with any keters!

G2: Mark, just stop and let them in. *To you* Hey, at least tell me, do you have a way to stop 076 from instantly killing you and then trying to kill 073?

Y: Yea, I have this. *Shows gun*. 343 told me that it will make 076 weak, and we will be able to talk with him.

G2: Well, I wish you luck, this guy is really dangerous, so try and stay behind, especially because you are an O5.

Y: I will, don't worry.

You and Cain went to the elevator and went all the way down. After you got there, you went to the SCP 076-1. 50 meters before the SCP 076-1, you stopped moving, and told Cain, that you cannot come any closer, and you will try to shot Abel from this place.

073's POV:
Y/N said that he is not going to come any closer. Honestly, I am not surprised. Abel is very dangerous and coming closer could end in a disaster. I approached the cube and knocked. Nobody responded so I have decided to say something.

073: Brother? Are you there?

Nothing happened, so I have decided to try again.

073: I know that you are there, I just want to talk.

The door has openned and Abel left SCP 076-1. He instantly tried to attack me, but got shot by Y/N with this strange gun and fell on the floor.

076-2: Agh! I can't move!

073: Hello brother.

076-2: What do you want?!

073: I just wanted to...

076-2 I don't care what do you want, I don't want to see your fucking face with my eyes!

073: ... Brother, please listen.

076-2: I am not going to listen to you! After what you have done, you deserve to die!

073: Heh, the death would be a mercy for me. Do you know, how long do I live?

076-2: I don't know! 400 years?! 500 years?!

073: No. Over 7000 years.

076-2: 7000? Shouldn't you be dead then?!

073: That's my punishment. I cannot die and I have to stay in here until the very end.

076-2: Then maybe kill yourself.

073: I can't, that's another punishment. I can feel pain, but I can never die or get wounded.

076-2: If you want, then I can try and kill you.

073: Good luck. If somebody tries to hurt me, he will be the one who will get wounded or killed. That's my third punishment.

076-2: Third?! Are there more?!

073: Yes. I remeber everything that I see, hear or feel. And every plant next to me dies quickly.

076-2: ... So, what do you want from me? You want to complain about your fate?

073: No. I wanted to apologise.

076-2: You?! Apologise?! Good joke! You didn't even feel remorse after killing me!

073: I know, but I have changed.

076-2: And you think that I will believe that?! Tell me, how many people did you kill after me?

073: ... I didn't kill anyone. At least not with my own hands.

076-2: What do you mean by "with your own hands"?

073: Everyone who tried to kill me died. And even I don't know how many people tried that.

076-2: ...

073: If I could, I would die to help you.

076-2: Go to hell! You are the reason why we both ended like this!

073: No, I am the reason why I ended like this. You wanted revenge, so your condition is your fault.

076-2: ...

073: Brother, I am really sorry, I truely regret my past. Please, lets start all over again.

076-2: ... Why should I forgive you?

073: Because you weren't any better than me. You have killed so many people because you wanted revenge. But I forgive you that. Lets end our conflict.

After these words, the effect from the gun stopped working on Abel. He got up and looked at me. He jumped on me and I was preparing for a painful hit. Instead of that, he put his arms around my neck and hugged me.

076-2: I also forgive you brother.

Your POV:
The effect stopped working on 076-2. I was preparing for another shot, but Abel hugged Cain, instead of killing him. After that, they both went to SCP 076-1 for a conversation. That was definitely a success, but now I have to make a long report about that.

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