Part 5 - Back to the containment chamber

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Your POV:
After you finished your dinner, you went back to work. When you came to your station, you saw five MTF units waiting there.

Y: What are you doing here?

MTF: We have got an order from our commander to watch you and make sure that you don't enter 953's containment chamber.

Y: Sorry to dissapoint you, but I have got an order from a director, and I have to go in there and get some information.

MTF: Yes, we know, but that's too risky, we have lost almost 500 class D because of her.

Y: I am aware of that, but I have to do it.

MTF: You are new here, so you want to follow every order that was given to you. That's normal. But trust me, if you give her an opportunity, she will not hesitate to kill you. You can ask her these questions through the microphone.

Y: I am sure that I will be fine.

MTF: Look, if you really have a death wish, go ahead, we will not stop you. Just don't cry when you will be lying in a blood pool and dying from a blood loss.

Y: She didn't kill me earlier, so she shouldn't kill me now.

MTF: ... Good luck then, lets go guys, we will not stop him anyway.

After MTFs left, you took a deep breath and swipped your card through the card reader. Doors openned and you entered the cell. Kayo was sleeping in her bed, so you have decided to don't wake her up and make some notes. You looked at her, and you had to admit, that she was beautiful. After you have written everything and wanted to leave, you accidentally kicked the table in her chamber and knocked it on the ground. You have made a huge noise and wasn't surprised, that you woke her up.

Y: Damn, sorry Kayo, I didn't want to wake you up.

K: Oh, hi Y/N, what are you doing here? I thought that they erased your memories and moved somewhere else.

Y: They tried to do that, but except giving me an enourmous headache from amnestics, it didn't do anything.

K: Well, that's good honey, because I thought that you will forget about me.

Y: Luckily I didn't, but I thought that they will terminate me for that.

K: Why would they do that?

Y: The commander said that coming in relationships with SCPs is forbidden, but the director thinks, that I may be useful for them and they want me to come here every day.

K: Sounds good for me, do you know why?

Y: No, why?

K: Because now I don't have to ask 079 to create another containment breach to see you.

Y: Wait, you were the one responsible for that?

K: Yes, but it was 079 who openned all the chambers. After you entered the facility for the first time, he was searching for the information, with who you will be working. This director put everything on her computer, which was already hacked by 079, so he showed me a picture of you with question, what to do with you. And when I saw you, I knew that I have to somehow get you.

Y: So you told 079 to create this containment breach?

K: Exactly. But before he openned my door, you started a lockdown, which slowed down everything. It took another three minutes, before he bypassed that and another minute, before he found you on a camera. After that, he wanted to annoy some scientists, but he got unplugged and then MTFs contained everyone again.

Y: Wow, I knew that he was annoying the scientists, because they have told me that, but the information, that you were the one responsible for the containment breach is something new.

K: I didn't have other choice, I had to talk with you personally.

Y: I have realised that, but MTFs are still afraid that I will die.

K: Look, I know that you are afraid of me, and you have a lot of reasons for that. But trust me, I don't want to hurt you Y/N. You are the first person who for these few minutes treated me like a normal person. I will be honest. I think that I fell in love with you, but I will understand, if you don't feel the same way.

Y: Don't worry Kayo, to be honest, I also like you a lot. I feel towards you something, that I haven't felt to anyone. That's why I will make sure that you won't feel alone again.

K: But what about the guards? They will be watching all our moves.

Y: I will tell them to go somewhere else. There is a lot of work in this place, so they will find something to do.

K: Do you trust me that much?

Y: If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't be here.

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