Part 7 - The devil himself

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Your POV:
You got an order to go to the director for a talk. You knew, that it was connected with the recording, you gave her one week ago.

Y: Ok, I am here, what happened?

D: Hey Y/N, it is about that recording you have given to me.

Y: Yea I have realised that, is there something wrong with it?

D: No, however you need to know some thing about 953.

Y: I am listening.

D: As you probably know, 953 has a Korean appearance, but japanese name. I have looked into some documents from that time, and it confirms, that there was a great crime commited in that time, and some time later, the criminals were found dead and gutted. I have also contacted our base in South Korea, and told them, to check for a person called Kayo from that time.. They have found her pretty quickly, because it isn't a popular name.

Y: Ok, but what was the point of this?

D: We wanted to check her history and family. It confirmed, that her mother was Korean, but her father was Japanese and he was the one to choose her name. I have also looked into some documents about SCP 738 reserved for O5.

Y: So i guess that I shouldn't know these things.

D: Yes, you shouldn't, but I can make an exception. As you probably know, SCP 738 was given to a catholical cardinal from Vatican, right?

Y: Yes, I know that.

D: So I have looked for older history of 738, and I have found, that it was brought to Vatican from Korea. Now I need you to cooperate, because it will allow us to identify, if 953 really made a deal with 738.

Y: So in short words, I need to go to 738, sit there and try to get information from him?

D: Yes, and I am asking you, because I don't want to show this recording to anyone else, before rest of O5s make a decision about that.

Y: Fine, but I don't promise that I will succeed.

With a note from a director, you went to the Light Containment Zone to 738's containment chamber. After you got there, you have asked:

Y: Ok, who is in order of this SCP?

???: Wait a second, Y/N?

Y: Anna? Is that you?

A: Hey, long time no see, what do you need?

Y: I need access to SCP 738.

A: Sorry, but I cannot allow it. For experiments with 738 we use only class D with disabilities.

Y: Director told me to give you this. *Gives a note*

A: * Reads note* Well, that changes everything. Go ahead.

Y: Thank you.

You openned a door, put all elements of 738 together and sit on a chair. After you sat, you were able to see an old man, sitting in front of you.

738: Ah! Hello there Y/N! I am so glad that you came! Would you like to get a promotion? Or maybe you want to become an O5? I can give you whatever you wa...

Y: Yea, yea, whatever, I don't want these things, they are useless for me.

738: Oh? Then maybe you would like to become very rich and leave this place?

Y: I don't need that much money. However, there is something, I want from you, and you can give it to me.

738: Well then, what do you need?

Y: I want to know what exactly happened to Kayo.

738: You need to specify, which one.

Y: The one that is contained as SCP 953.

738: Ah, this one... Didn't she tell you everything?

Y: She told me that she singed a pact with you. The pact, that ruined her life.

738: Heheh, I know, are you talking about, this one? *Pulls out from behind an old parchment from human skin*

Y: Yes, this one.

738: And i guess that you want it, don't you?

Y: Yes, that's the only thing I want.

738: Well then, I can give it to you, but not for free

Y: I am aware of that, what is your price?

738: Do you remember that plush cat, which you have received from your great-grandmother? The one with a black patch on an ear? The one, that she has given to you before she died?

Y: Are you kidding me?! You want to take this?!

738: You are too old for toys anyway. And that cat is just lying on your wardrobe and collecting dust.

Y: He reminds me of her for fuck sake!

738: Oh shut up, you don't even look at it.

Y: ...

738: You want to know how to fix soul of your lover, and I am giving you the opportunity for that. Are you seriously going to waste it?

Y: ... Where do I sign this?

738: On the bottom.

Y: *Reads the entire pledge and then signs it*

738: Well then, here is that piece of skin you wanted. Good luck at translating this.

After you took the parchment, you left the room.

A: Ok Y/N, what the fuck did you sign?

Y: A parchment, which gave me this. *Shows the other parchment*

A: And why was it so necesarry that the director wanted it?

Y: Because this will help us understand the nature of Kayo and maybe we will be able to help her.

Can you change my heart? Scp 953 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now