Part 11 - Problems

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Your POV:
You were sitting with Kayo in her cell and taking some notes. Day was very calm, but you could say, that something is going to happen.

Y: Hey Kayo, one question.

K: Yes?

Y: Is 079 going to make a containment breach today? Because I feel that something is wrong.

K: Honestly, I have no clue, I haven't talked with him.

079: Yes, I wanted to make another containment breach, however, new security system is too strong.

Y: Wait, you were watching us?!

079: Indeed. However, I also have a feeling, that something will happen.

Y: What do you mean?

079: During last containment breach, somebody tried to take control over the system.

Y: Do you know, who that was?

079: No, but his IP doesn't belong here.

K: What does it mean?

Y: It means, that somebody outside the foundation was trying to take control over this place, but because 079 is impossible to hack, he didn't succeed.

K: So that means, that we are in danger?

Y: I am not sure, but something is definitely...

Radio: Attention all personel! All SCP's cell's have been openned! All SCPs have escaped! I am announcing the red code! I repeat: I am announcing the red code! All personel must go to a shelter immidiately or board nearest helicopter and escape to another site!

Y: ... Are you sure that wasn't you 079?

079: No, somebody turned off the security system.

Y: ... Kayo, we need to find my friends and escape.

K: Alright, 079, can you find them on a camera and told us, where are they?

079: Give me a description.

Y: *Describes Emma, Anna and John*

079: John is in Entrence Zone, Anna is near 096's chamber and Emma is leaving Light Containment Zone.

Y: Alright, lets go get Anna and Emma, John will probably escape.

K: Ok, but we need to be fast.

You and Kayo were running through corridors of Heavy Containment Zone, looking for Anna and Emma.

Y: Anna must be somewhere here. Anna! Where are you?

K: It will not work Y/N, 939s also escaped, nobody is going to answer on that.

After Kayo said that, Anna appeared in your sight.

Y: Anna, good to see that you are alive!

A: Good to see you too, but I don't trust 953.

K: If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead already.

A: ... Ok, fair enough, lets run.

Y: Not yet, we need to find Emma.

A: What about John?

Y: He is in Entrence Zone, probably outside already.

A: Lucky him, lets go.

You have searched for Emma in the entire Heavy Containment Zone, but you couldn't find her. When you wanted to give up, you saw her coming from 049's chamber.

E: Jesus Christ, I thought that you are dead!

Y: We thought the same about you.

Behind Emma you were able to see SCP 049.

Y: Emma, run!

E: What? Why?

049: She doesn't need to run, I do not sense the Great Pestilence in her. What's more, I don't sense this in any of you, so there is no need to cure you. However, Kayo used to have this, and now I cannot sense it in her. How is this possible?

Y: Ok, first of all, what is the Great Pestilence, I was never good from medicine.

You lied, to try and get some information from 049.

049: Dear doctor, Great Pestilence is a basic disease, you should know it.

Y: Well, I don't know it, so could you explain it to me and enlighten me?

049: *doesn't say anything for few seconds* Alright, the Great Pestilence is the ability to hurt somebody without any emotions. How is it possible that you didn't know that?

Y: Well, at least I know it now. If you excuse us, we have to escape this place.

049: Alright, I wish you luck. I am going to cure more patients. *Leaves*

A: Ok, at least we know what is this Great Pestilence he always talks about.

E: Yes, but can we hurry? I don't want to die here.

Y: Sure, lets go to Entrence Zone.

You all ran as fast as you could, but stopped in fear, when 106 appeared from the floor.

E: Fuck, what do we do?

K: Calm down. Hey Larry, leave us alone, we don't have time for that.

106: I didn't expect this from you Kayo, you usually didn't have any problems with killing others.

K: It doesn't matter now, we want to escape, can you tell us which way will be the shortest?

106: If you really want to escape, then go to 682's chamber and then to Entrence Zone. Go to the second left corridor, then turn right and you will be at Gate A.

K: Ok Larry, thanks.

106: I wish you luck. *Goes under the floor*

K: Ok, we know where to go.

You all went the way indicated by SCP 106. You all prayed to don't meet SCP 682, but luckily, he wasn't there. You openned the Entrence Zone, and you all came in. After checkpoint closed, somebody bumped into you.

E: John?! What are you doing here?!

J: We need to go to Gate B, Gate A is too dangerous.

Y: What do you mean? Too many SCPs?

J: No, SCPs wouldn't be a problem.

Y: Then what happened?

J: Do you remember, how this containment breach happened?

K: Yes, all chambers have been openned.

J: Exactly, now think, who could do that?

A: Probably 079.

Y: It wasn't 079, he said that it was somebody from outside...

J: Yes, now think, who could do that.

Y: ... If that's what I am thinking, then we have a problem.

E: What is that?

Y: I think that it is a Chaos Insurgency, and they are the ones responsible for that breach.

J: And I am afraid, that you are right. There is a huge group of Chaos Insurgency soldiers outside Gate A.

Can you change my heart? Scp 953 x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu