Part 3 - Medical wing

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MTF-commander POV:
After SCP 953 and that poor scientist fell asleep, I instantly gave an order to retrieve that guy, check if he is wounded and amnesticate him, to make sure, that he isn't under her control. Damn, that guy is lucky that we were able to contain almost all SCPs so quickly and save him.

Medic POV:
Luckily this guy didn't have any wounds, but he can still be under control of that monster. I have to amnesticate him before he wakes up.

Your POV:
Y: Ow, my head hurts so much, and where the heck am I?

M: Don't worry, you are in a medical wing, you were exposed to a dangerous SCP so we had to amnesticate you.

D: Man, you are so lucky, that MTFs contained SCPs so quick. In other case, you would be dead already.

Y: Ma'am, thank you for that but...

D: No butts, just answer me on few questions, so we can check, what is your mental state. Do you know who are you?

Y: Y/N L/N

D: Do you feel any pain right now?

Y: Yes, my head hurts.

D: Something else?

Y: No.

D: Ok, do you know where are you?

Y: In SCP foundation in a medical wing.

D: Perfect, do you remember what happened?

Y: Yes, I was in Kayo's cell and MTFs have thrown a sleeping gas to a champer to retrive me.

D: Ok stop. Who is Kayo?

Y: SCP 953, Kayo is her real name.

D: How do you know that? We were never able to get her real name.

Y: She told me in the cell.

D: Ok, the good thing is that we have learnt something new. Sadly class A amnestics didn't work, so we need to try a class B.

Y: Wait, why do you want to amnesticate me?

D: It is for your own good, we have reasons to believe that you are under 953's mind control and amnestics will stop that.

Y: But I am not under her control!

D: Sadly, you are. And there is no way to prove, that you aren't.

Y: She tried to take me under her control twice in her chamber. If there is a video footage from that, then you can check it and see, that it didn't work.

MTF-commander: Director, we have checked the video and he is telling the truth. However, you should check it, because it may be interesting.

Director POV:
I have watched the entire video and was shocked. Something like this happenned for the first time.

MTF-commander: Well, I think that this is enough proof to terminate him.

D: What do you mean, terminate?

MTF-commander: Well, he broke the rule of entering into relationships with SCPs. I think that's enough.

D: This is the first time when 953 reacted like that, and there is no way that I will miss this opportunity.

MTF-commander: Look, we are on the same clearence level. We will leave that for the O5 council.

D: I doubt about that clearence level. Show me your card.

MTF-commander: *Pulls out a level 4 keycard*

D: *Pulls out a level 5 keycard and O5 ID* Do you have anything to say?

MTF-commander: N-no Ma'am, we will do it your way.

D: Excellent, now let me talk to Y/N.

Your POV:
You saw MTF commander and director arguing about something. They both pulled out something and the commander apologised and left. Now the director was coming to you.

D: Alright Y/N, do you know why I am talking to you right now?

Y: It is about that video, isn't it?

D: Yes, to specify: about you and SCP 953.

Y: Fuck, I don't know how to explain that.

D: You better explain that. How?! How the heck 953 didn't kill you?!

Y: Well, it is kinda complicated. Kayo didn't kill me, because she loves me.

D: Yes, I have realised that. But it is impossible! She has never shown any kind of emotions to anyone!

Y: I have no clue how to explain that. I am also surprised.

D: Well, at least tell me, do you think that you could get more information from her?

Y: I can try, but I cannot promise anything.

D: Alright, try to get closer to her and do something. You are the first person that hasn't been killed instantly by 953 after stepping in her cell. I see a great potential in you and I hope that you can use it.

Y: I will do my best.

D: Perfect, I am promoting you to level three clearence. Check her documents and logs. Maybe you will help us understand her behaviour.

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