Part 14 - Meeting with O5 council

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Kayo's POV:
I have looked at the results again. I couldn't believe that there is a chance to save Y/N.

K: It says B rh-, does it mean that we can save him?

D1: Teoretically yes, but it depends, on how much blood he will get.

K: What do you mean?

D1: He will have 32% of surviving if he gets 0,5l of blood and 100% if he gets 1l.

K: Then we need to give him 1l fast!

D1: It isn't that easy. If we take 0,5l from you, it will make you very weak, and 1l will make you even weaker.

K: I don't care, we have to save him.

D1: ... If you really want that, then ok. Carol, bring her to the blood collection room and prepare our patient for transfusion.

D2: Ok, I will take care of that.

You knew that giving that much blood to Y/N will make you weak, but you were willing to do that. After they took it from you, they started a transfusion.

Your POV:
Darkness... Everything you saw was darkness. You don't know how long have you been there. It could be hours, days, or even months. You weren't sure if you died or if you are still alive. You looked around to see if something changed. You didn't expect anything to happen, but suddenly you saw a bright light in front of you. You didn't care if you die when you go there, you had to get out of this place. You approached the light, and then appeared in medical wing.

D1: He woke up!

K: Y/N! You are alive! *Jumps on and hugs him*

Y: Ouch, that hurts!

K: Sorry. I am just happy that you woke up.

D2: Well, we are glad that you are awake, but we need to check if you can normally move. Please, move your right arm and leg.

Y: *Does what doctor said*

D2: Alright, so nerves didn't get injured, that is great, but for now you need to use a walking stick, until your injuries cure.

Y: Well, that's great, is there something else?

D2: No, I think that's all.

D1: There is one more thing. Dr Bright ordered me to tell you, that you have to go to the meeting room. O5 council wants to talk with you.

O5 council? It couldn't be anything good. You knew that this will decide about your future in this foundation, and you were almost sure, that it had something to do with Kayo. You left the hospital wing with Kayo and head directly to the meeting room. When you got there, you saw two MTFs blocking the door.

MTF1: Hey, what are you doing here?

Y: I was told to come here, because O5s want to talk with me.

MTF2: So you are the one who they have called. Go ahead, but she stays outside.

K: Sure, that's not a problem. Good luck Y/N.

Y: Thanks, I will need that.

You openned the door and stepped in. You saw 12 members of O5 council sitting and waiting for you.

O5-2: Ah, there you are Y/N, welcome.

Y: H-Hello, is this something important?

O5-2: Yes, please take a seat.

Y: *Sits on a chair*

O5-2: Alright, first of all we appreciate your research on SCP-953. We are glad that you were able to calm her down.

O5-11: Yes, we thought that's impossible to communicate with Keters. And your experiment with SCP-738 will be useful for future.

Y: Well, I am glad that I could help.

O5-2: Now I have some bad news. Director of your previous site - O5-9 got killed during the containment breach.

Y: Oh, I-I don't know what to say.

O5-2: Yes, that's sad. However, some time ago she gave us a secret note. She has written on it, that if she dies, she wants you to take her place.

Y: What?! Me?!

O5-6: Yes Y/N you. But before you say anything, you have to remember, that O5s cannot get in contact with keters.

Y: So that means...

O5-6: That you will not be able to spend time with SCP-953 anymore.

Y: ... But why?

O5-8: Because she is a keter class.

Y: ... What about safe and euclid SCPs?

O5-3: You can spend time with safe SCPs without any problems. You can also experiment on euclids, but you are doing it on your own risk.

Y: Then I am coming with a proposition to change her class from keter to euclid.

O5-12: What? Are you serious?

Y: You have said, that I was able to communicate with her, and communication with keters is impossible. So if I was able to do that, then her class shouldn't be keter, but euclid.

O5-1: To be honest, he is right. I have checked all his notes and recordings from that time, and 953 became more peaceful. So his arguments are right.

O5-12: Yes, but we cannot forget that she has killed so many people.

O5-8: But he found out why and stopped that.

O5-4: Ok, lets vote. Who is not going to vote?

O5-6 and O5-7: *raise their hands*

O5-8: Who agrees to change SCP-953's class from keter to euclid?

O5-1, O5-2, O5-4, O5-5, O5-8, O5-10, O5-11, O5-13 and you: *raise their hands*

O5-8: Who is againts that?

O5-3 and O5-12: *raise their hands*

O5-8: So it is decided. Scp-953's class will be changed to euclid. Now Y/N, do you agree to take the position of O5-9?

Y: Yes, I agree.

O5-2: I think that's all. Thank you all for meeting.

You left with everyone else and saw Anna, Emma, John and Kayo waiting for you outside.

J: What did they want from you?

Y: They made me an O5 member, after O5-9's death. I will be taking her place and number.

A: Wow, congratulations!

Y: There is just one thing. O5 members cannot come in contact with keters.

K: ... So that means...

Y: That your class was changed to euclid, and we can still be together.

K: That's great!

Y: Anyway, lets go, we need to find something to do here. *To himself* I just wonder, how is it possible that nobody saved our director. I am going to check that tomorrow.

Can you change my heart? Scp 953 x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu