Part 4 - Canteen

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After leaving the hospital wing, you have decided to go to the canteen. It wasn't far away, only two corridors. After you got there, you have realised that scientists and class D are separated from each other. You weren't surprised, after all, class D were people sentenced to death, who got recruited by a foundation. You took few potatoes and one portion of chicken and searched for a free place to sit. You quickly found few free chairs and decided to join three other scientists.

Y: Hey, can I sit here?

S1: Sure, go ahead.

S2: I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?

Y: Yea, I have started working here today.

S2: Then you are so unlucky! First day and already a containment breach.

S3: Luckily MTFs know what to do so after two hours they have contained everything.

Y: By the way, what caused that containment?

S3: These idiots from 079 forgot to unplug him for testing and he took control over the facility!

Y: That explains automatically closing doors.

S1: Yea, this bitch closed door on my face everytime when i tried to go somewhere.

S2: At least he didn't try to kill you by locking you with 049. I am so lucky that he "didn't sense The Great Pestilence in me".

S1: Yea, but I am glad that this is over.

S3: Hey by the way, have you heard about that guy from 953?

S2: I have heard something, but I don't know exactly what happenned.

S3: He got caught by her and then taken to her cell. He somehow survived and now they are cleaning his memories to make sure, that he isn't under her control.

S1: Wow, lucky guy! You remember, what she did to the previous one?

S3: Yea, our medics couldn't save him, he lost too much blood.

S1: By the way new guy, what is your name?

Y: Y/N L/N.

S1: No way! The same guy who survived 953?

S2: Jeez, calm down, he probably doesn't remember anything anyway.

Y: I would argue with that, I remember everything, amnestics didn't work.

S3: What?! And they released you?!

Y: Yes, there was a video recording which proved, that she tried to take control but it didn't work.

S1: Then how did you do it? Nobody was able to resist her mind control before.

Y: Honestly, I have no clue. It simply didn't work.

S1: Ok, but if mind control didn't work, then she should have killed you immediately.

S2: I agree with her. How is it possible, that she didn't kill you.

Y: You wouldn't believe if I told you.

S2: You survived meeting with one of the most deadly SCPs in this place. I will believe everything.

Y: Fine, she didn't kill me because she probably felt in love with me.

S2: ... You are joking, right?

Y: No, I am serious.

S2: But that's impossible! She had never shown any emotions before!

Y: I know, I am also surprised that I am alive, but to be honest, I cannot complain. At least I am not dead.

S1: Yea, but I don't know, if having a psychopath SCP loving you is that great.

Y: Well, we will see in the future. By the way, what are your names?

S1: I am Anna.

S2: John, nice to meet you Y/N.

S3: And I am Emma.

Y: How long do you work here?

A: Almost 8 years already.

J: I work here for 5 years, and I don't complain.

E: In May it will have been six years since I have started working here.

Y: So you fully know this place?

A: Yea, except the O5 council meeting room. It is the only place where I haven't been in this site.

Y: Maybe someday you will get there.

A: I doubt it. Most of the personel cannot get past lvl 3 clearence level, and being in O5 council is something, that probably none of us will ever experience.

J: Don't lose hope! There is four of us, so maybe at least one of us will get there.

E: Yea, but even if there is four of us, there is still thousands of other scientists that can become a member of O5 council, so our chances are small.

J: Well, we will see, we have a lot of time to achieve that goal.

Y: Well, there are 13 members of O5 council, so of one of them dies, they have to look for another person.

A: They already have people for their places if they die. And don't forget, that Bright is also in O5, and he is immortal, because of SCP 963.

E: Anyway, I will be going back to work. How about you?

J: Yea, somebody needs to make these notes. But to be honest, i feel bad for those, including me, who are assigned to SCP 682. They are usually his first target during the containment breach.

A: Lets hope that we can kill him soon, but I will be going too. Bye!

Y: I will go back too, I not hungry anymore and somebody needs to take care of Kayo. Bye John!

J: Bye, I will finish my lunch and I will be leaving too.

Can you change my heart? Scp 953 x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum