Part 23 - Forbidden knowledge

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Your POV:
It was Saturday, one week since the incident with SCP 2317. His body got cut to smaller pieces and thrown to 682's containment chamber. Since this time, he keeps eating them, and haven't finished even in half. Honestly, it wasn't a problem, mainly because he didn't cause any problems during this time. However, today was the day when one of O5s will speak in public and tell people about secret, that was hidden from them for a long time. And it wouldn't be your problem, but O5s decided that you will be the one to represent them. You were already sitting in a helicopter with two MTF units and flying to a studio, to have an interview with journalists. You weren't sure, what questions will they give to you. Kayo stayed in Site 28 with kids, so you were all alone. You finally landed in New York and head in the direction of the studio. You wanted to enter through the main door, but the guard told you, that you have to go through the other door behind the building. You did as he said, and after you entered, you were behind the scene. You saw, that there was a journalist already, and he has spotted you.

J: Ah hello! You must be the one from O5 council, right?

Y: Yes, I am, when do we start?

J: In 2 minutes, after I tell everyone that you are here, you will come out and sit on the chair in front of me.

Y: Alright, I have time.

The journalist has begun his speech:

J: Hello everyone! As you probably know, todays interview will be one of the most interesting ones that you will be able to see. Today, we are going to talk with a person responsible for the most secret organisation known to humanity. I think that all of us remember the incident with that giant monster, that destroyed a huge part of Boston. Welcome with an applause, member of the SCP foundation!

People: *Start clapping*

You came out from behind the scene and sit on the chair.

J: Hello, we are glad that you could come.

Y: Well, I am also glad that I can be here and answer you on some questions.

J: First of all, could you introduce yourself?

Y: O5-9, I cannot reveal my real name, you know, security procedures.

J: That's acceptable. Now, could you tell us how long does the foundation exist?

Y: To be honest, I have no clue, I can only say, that it exists for a very long time.

J: Alright, how long do you work for foundation?

Y: Almost six years.

J: So six years is enough to gain level 5 clearence?

Y: Not really, our staff gets higher clearence level for great things they have done to foundation. So for example, one person may get level 4 clearence in 5 years, and another one may work for 10 years and still be at level 3. It depends on the achievements.

J: So what did you do that you became an O5 member so fast?

Y: I have helped to understand a keter class SCP and I was able to change her behavior.

J: So it is a female.

Y: Yes.

J: Could you tell us her number?

Y: 953.

J: So, what is she doing now?

Y: Taking care of our kids, until I come back.

J: Wait, what?

Y: Yes, we are married for over 5 years now.

J: How is it possible?

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