Part 19 - The great day

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Your POV:
It was this day. You were happy but also jittery. Few days ago you have sent an invitation to all of the O5s, but nobody responded. You had no clue if they got it and ignored that, or if they didn't get it, because they had too much work, so you didn't expect them to show on the wedding. From the other side, everyone in site 28 was helping you to make sure, that everything goes well. Guards were making sure, that all of the dangerous SCPs are contained and they will not escape, scientists were refurnishing the canteen and MTFs even forced some of the class Ds to help with decorating the kirk for this day. To be honest, they wanted to do that, because they wouldn't have to go for testing. At the same time, John was helping you with your suit while few rooms away, Anna and Emma were helping Kayo with her wedding dress. After you put on a suit, commander of Zeta 9 entered the room.

Y: Did something happen?

C: Your family and friends just arrived and are entering through the Gate A. Do you want to talk with them?

Y: Sure, tell them to wait for me next to the intercom, I will be there in a minute.

C: Alright. *Leaves the room*

Y: Is there anything else I need to wear?

J: No, I think that's all. You should go to them now.

Y: Alright, thank you John.

You took the keycard and ID, and put it in the suit. After that, you left the room and head to the intercom to greet your family, William and Olivia.

Y: Hey everyone, I am glad that you came.

F: Hello son, you look almost like me at my own wedding.

G: Y/N, you are so lucky to work here. I wish that I was on your place!

Y: Honestly I doubt it, while I was here, we had two giant containment breaches, and one of them almost killed me.

M: Seriously? Why didn't you tell us anything during the meeting?

Y: Honestly, I doubt that you would like to hear about that.

G: Ok, but tell me, what almost killed you? 682? 173? 106?

Y: Chaos Insurgency.

G: Oh fuck, how many times did you get shot?

Y: Six in the stomach, two in right leg and three in right arm.

G: Then how the heck are you still alive?

Y: 999 lied on me and somehow allowed my blood to travel through him, so I didn't bleed out.

G: Wow, I knew that he is a good guy but I didn't know that he can do something like that.

Y: I also had no clue, but it looks like...

???: What a surprise! We didn't expect you to arrive! Y/N didn't tell us anything!

???: We know, it was supposed to be a surprise. That's why we didn't tell him anything.

F: Who are these guys?

Y: Wait, you all came here? I thought that you didn't get a message because you didn't answer!

O5-6: Do you seriously think, that we would ignore you? You are one of us, we wouldn't leave you at this day!

O5-10: Yea, this is a very important day for you so there is no way that we would ignore that.

Y: Wow, I don't know what to say.

O5-7: By the way, these people are your family and friends, right?

Y: Yes, is there something wrong with it?

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