Part 30 - Multiversal danger part 3

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Your POV:

K: What do you want Larry?

106: Just wanted to visit an old friend. I haven't seen you for few years Kayo. And I am surprised that you didn't kill him.

K: You wouldn't understand that anyway.

106: Let me guess, love?

K: Yea, how did you know?

106: 079 told me some time ago about that but I didn't believe it.

K: Well, as I said, you wouldn't understand, so...

106: You think that I can't love anyone?

K: Well, you simply kill every human that you meet, so I doubt that...

106: There was one person I trully loved. But she died long time ago.

K: Who?

106: When I fought in World War I, I have met a girl in enemy barracks. She was their prisoner, but she wasn't a soldier. She was a medic. We instantly fell on love with each other, but after that, I fell to this stupid hole.

Y: How the heck falling into a hole can cause something like that?

106: In that hole, I have met someone. He destroyed me, destroyed my skin, but didn't kill me. He filled me with an enourmous hate for the humanity, so after I left this hole, I started killing them. But there was one person I couldn't kill. And it was that girl. She said, that she will always love me, no matter what. Shortly after she said that, foundation stepped in and captured me. They gave her amnestics and hoped that she will forget. But she didn't, and I knew it. Sometimes, I would escape from the foundation, just to see her. Until one time, when I didn't find her at home. I looked through her diary and I quickly realised, that she is dying in a hospital. I went there and scared every single personel that was working there. And I have found her. She looked at me with the same eyes she had long time ago, and then...

K: She died, right?

106: ... Yes. I started crying, so when foundation entered, I didn't resist. I didn't have anyone anymore, so I didn't care if I kill one person or fifty.

Y: ... I didn't know, I am sorry.

106: That's ok. But there is something special about that slime. I have always avoided him, but now he is hugging me, and I somehow feel... happy... I feel something that I haven't felt for a long time.

Y: Wait, what about your corrosion?

106: Don't you know that I can control that?

Y: No...?

106: Well, then now you know. But tell me, what are you doing in here with him?

Y: We need to test his abilities, because our universe is in danger.

106: ... So he is back. Scarlet King is back.

Y: How the heck almost every SCP knows about him?

106: Because most of us have these abilities from him. There are exceptions, but most of us are like this because of him. And we all hate him for that. He is the one that we truely hate. But tell me, how do you want to defeat him with this slime?

Y: To be honest, I don't know. He is the seventh child of the Scarlet King, so only he can defeat him.

106: Well, I will be going back to my cell. But if you want to defeat him, you will need me. Scarlet King can manipulate the code of the universes, but he will not be able to manipulate the code of my pocket dimension if I bring him there. It is like a virtual machine on a computer. You can control a virtual machine from a main computer, but you cannot control a computer from a virtual machine.

Can you change my heart? Scp 953 x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora