Head in the Clouds

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3rd Pov:

Jon opens his eyes. He's in his bed. He looks around, wondering why it was so bright. He suddenly remembers that he drank a whole bottle of wine. He slaps his face. "Stupid! Stupid Jon!" he thought to himself. He got up and stumbled to the curtains to close them. They were open, Evan must of open them since Jon hardly opens them. Jon lays back in bed and gives a loud sigh. Perhaps it was time to tell Evan about his problems, maybe he'll understand maybe he won't. It feels like a heart break, keeping so much from someone that you love. Jon loves Evan, and he knows that now. Jon buries his face into his pillow. He starts creating scenarios of himself telling Evan everything. The lies, his feelings, and his self-hatred. Yet, they all end the same negative way, where Evan hates him and decides to never talk to him again. Jon couldn't bare the thought of losing Evan.

While Jon was hungover and overwhelmed in his room, Evan stayed silent in the living room, waiting. Evan was sick and tired of waiting, but he continued to wait. He was tired of waiting for Jon to get out of the room. He was tired of Jon holding so much pain to himself. "Only if he would just tell me what's wrong" Evan thought.
"Only if " was the words that keep appearing in his head. He couldn't believe that Jon tried to end their friendship. It was slowly creeping up on Evan. "Maybe Jon really does want to end their friendship, and he's too afraid to say it outloud. Maybe that's why he's so distant." Evan kept replaying last night in his head, remembering every detail and word.

Evan's Pov:

"Evan, I can't be friends with you anymore." I chuckle, knowing he is drunk and just saying random shit. He tries to sit up properly.

"I'm serious."

I feel my smile fade away. Jon looks as if he's about to cry. His blue eyes tear up.
"I don't wanna' do this anymore." He says quietly. For a moment, it felt like the world was spinning. I couldn't say anything. I wanted to yell at him, but the poor guy was drunk, he probably didn't know what the hell he was even saying.

The room grew quite.

"I'm doing this because, I want more," he says while staring at the ground. "More of what? Friends? What more do you possibly want?" At this point, I was plainly pissed off. My head felt like it was going to explode to each sentence Jon managed to form.

"I want more of-" he stops himself, then looks at me and says, "I wanna' go to my bed now."

"Why do you run away from your issues, huh? Why are you doing this? I come all this way for you just to dismiss me? Why can't you let me help you?" I blurted out.

I scared him. But most of all I think I scared myself.

He stands up quickly and unbalanced. With a cold look on his face, staring deep into my soul, he says "I never asked you to come here."

Then, he left me. In the dead quiet living room. Now, I sit and wonder if I should just leave. All my things are packed back into my suitcase. While he's hungover in his fucking room of his, I have to be the bigger person all of a sudden? No. I can't play his games anymore, I just can't. There's only so much that I can fucking handle, if he doesn't want my help why should I keep trying to push him.

Maybe it'll be better for the both of us, to end our friendship. Maybe I'm the problem. He probably hates me.

My phone vibrates

Syd: i miss you, when you come back, imma' do that thing that you like soo much ;)

I don't believe so much in signs from universe and shit, but maybe this was a sign to get the fuck out of here.

Jon's Pov:

I should probably go get some water. Fuck, I don't wanna' get up. Eventually, I'll have to get up at some point. Fuck it, I'll get up. As soon as I got up, my head started to hurt. I go inside my bathroom to look for some medicine and to wash up.

I'm a bit worried about last night. I don't remember anything. So I'm at  risk right now. I doubt that I confessed my feelings towards him, I'm not that stupid. Time to act as if everything is normal and not weird. I leave my room.

I walk into the living room, and do a huge yawn. Evan doesn't notice, he's on his phone. I feel my heart beating. Something's wrong. The vibe between us is weird right now. Oh fuck don't tell me that I-

"Sup Del," Evan says while intruding my thoughts. I sit on the couch with him and blurt, "Alright, go ahead tell me all the stupid things I did while drunk." I try to play it off, hopefully he doesn't think wrong of me. I have a gut feeling that I may have done something.

"You got drunk? When?" Evan sarcastically asks. I get up, shrug it off and said, "Alright then don't tell me, I don't wanna' know."

3rd Pov:

As morning became day, and day became a rainy night, Jon and Evan did not speak to each other. Jon thought of all the things he could of did wrong, while Evan waited for the right moment to strike out. Jon couldn't take it anymore, he decided to talk to Evan. He knocked on Evan's door and asked if he come in. Evan thought about it for a moment, maybe this can be the time for him to tell Jon that he was going to leave tomorrow morning. Evan agreed to let Jon in.

"Sorry if I'm bugging you right now, I just need to talk you," Jon said. Evan shook his head, "You're good."

The room was dark and quite, all that was able to be heard was the rain.
"It's raining pretty bad out there, huh?"
Evan stares at Jon in disbelief, knowing that there's so much more that needs to be said then just rain talk. Jon catches on, "Right, I'm sorry. Just hear me out. Whatever I said while drunk last night, forget about it. I don't remember anything at all. And most of the time when I'm drunk I say stupid things that don't mean anything."

Evan sits up properly and says, "You tried to end our friendship. And I'm starting to think that maybe we should hold off being friends for now. I'm leaving tomorrow, Delirious."


Jon couldn't say anything. He understood. He nodded and said,"If you think that's the right thing to do, I won't stop you."

Evan believed that if Jon really cared about their friendship he would of fought for it, and tried to fix it. Hearing Jon just let everything go, ticked him off.

Evan got up and yelled, "Are you fucking serious? Is that what you actually want?" Jon's face turned red. "No, I don't want that at all. I'm just not going to beg for someone to be my fucking friend!"

"Del, I've been trying to keep up with you and you haven't even took noticed. You're so lost in your own world that you dont even appreciate what I do."

"I didn't ask you to come here."

"Well here I am. I'm here and not for long, man."

"Evan, I'm-"

"I really did try. And you didn't even give me half the effort." Evan sighs, "I just wanted to help you. I wanted to be the person that you can go to, because you were my person to go to."

Jon stands in still, almost statue like. Then finally sighs and sits at the end of bed.

"You're my go to person. But there's just one thing that I can't let go of, and I can't tell you." Jon buries his face in his hands and mumbles out, "You're my bestfriend, and I can't lose you."

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