Author's Note

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OML!! Honestly, I didn't know people were gonna actually read this story. I thought it was gonna be complete shit and no one would like it. I'll try updating like everyday. I got summer school sooo that's mainly why I don't update as much. But I'll try. But Thank you for reading my shitty story..this is actually my first time making a H2OVanoss fan-fic. ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. xD

Btw... I don't know if imma add a smut in this story. I usually can't write something like that. So...sorry for that. I know that alot of people like stuff like that but.. I don't think I can write it.

Anyways..Byeee! Enjoy the story. And sorry for being lame af.

Also!!! Be prepared to get the feels while reading this. xD


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