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3rd Pov

There was a faint knock on the door, Jonathan already knew that his moment to tell Luke has come. Jonathan was worried, yet at the same time he knew that Luke wouldn't think less of him. Jonathan walked towards the door and opened it. Luke walks inside with a worried expression on his face. The living room was filled with silence, then Luke says, "Evan is here, and you're not wearing your mask..." Jonathan nods, knowing exactly what Luke is questioning, then says, "If I were you.. I would sit down because what I'm about to tell you... Is gonna' be quite shocking." Luke raised an eyebrow, then walked over to the couch with Jonathan and they both sat. "Luke...I think...you know it's funny...I'm starting to question my sexuality" Jonathan says, but then looks away. Again, it was silent for a moment and the silence made Jonathan anxious for Luke's answer. Luke smiles, and says "Is that all? I thought it was gonna' be something like 'I have Cancer' or some shit" Jonathan was shocked by Luke's response, but then came to a realization that Luke wouldn't care at all of his decisions. Luke was open minded and as long as Jonathan was okay and happy, he was happy for him. "So who's the lucky man?" Luke jokingly, asked. Jonathan turns bright red, "Why are you assuming that I only like guys!" "Oh, so you swing both ways?" Luke asked. "Yeah... I guess, but it's not like I like every guy I see. I only like one." Luke thought for a second, then says "Evan, huh?"

Luke's Pov

"Evan, huh?" I said. It all made sense. The "feeling" that Jon would get when he played with Evan was a sign that Jon didn't even catch that he had fell for his own best friend. Jon lets out a sigh and says, "Yeah...it's Evan" I open my mouth to say something, but Evan ironically comes in the living room and says "What about me?" I look at Jon, and unfortunately, his face is red. I get up from the couch with a smile on my face and say, "Evan! I didn't know you were here until Jon told me, wow, it's good to see you're still alive!" Evan starts to laugh and Jon's face was not as red anymore, so I decided it was a great time to leave before it gets too awkward for me to handle. "So whatcha' doing here, Luke?" Evan asked. "I just needed a little help with something personal from Jon, isn't that right?" I looked at Jon, hoping that he can go along with it. He gets up and says "Yep...it's a brother bond thing," then goes in for a brotherly side hug. Evan pressed his lips together. Apparently, he didn't like Jon's action with hugging me. A hint of jealously from Evan? I'm pretty sure Jon noticed it too because he let go of me very quickly. Man, this is awkward. I look at my watch and pretended to be surprised. "Oh fuck, I'm late, I got to go now."

Jonathan's Pov

"Oh fuck, I'm late! I got to go now," Luke says while walking out the front door without saying goodbye. "Wow... He didn't even say goodbye," I said while shaking my head. Evan sighs, "Anyway are you ready to go?" I smiled "To the grocery store, we go!" Evan chuckled as I grabbed my keys from the key rack. "Alright, let the Batcoon and NightOwl adventures begin!" I'm too cheesy and predictable. Am I over doing it? Before I even had the chance to open the door, Evan taps my shoulder with a smirk on his face and says, "Where's your shoes, Batcoon?" I look down, noticing that I don't have my shoes on. Oh shit...I'm a dumbass. I feel my body get warm all over again. Fuck! I'm blushing! "I knew that! I was j-just testing you!"

*Time skipped*

"So what type do you want Evan?" I asked while looking at all the different types of frozen pizza with the fridge door wide open. I never understood why there had to be so many choices of pizza."Easy choice Jon. Obviously, pineapple pizza," he says while reaching for the box. "Pineapple pizza? I never had it before. Is it good?" He picks out two boxes and looks at me with his eyes outta' his skull, "You never had pineapple pizza?! Aw man, it's the best! You gotta' try it tonight!" Evan sets the boxes down in the shopping cart and he says, "Do you want a pepperoni pizza just in case you don't like the pineapple pizza?" "Umm, sure" Evan gets the box and tosses it gently in the cart then asked "Is pizza the first thing you shop for?" I laughed then replied with a yes. I'm a pizza kind of man, not to say that's all I eat, but ever since my YouTube career I had to make something quick to eat since I'm always busy. Very busy. Maybe too busy. Too busy to be loved? Too busy for Evan?

Evan's Pov

Jon was on a train of thoughts. He pushed the cart everywhere with a serious face after the whole pizza question. I hope I didn't trigger some terrible memory with the question. My phone vibrates and I pull it up to see who messaged me and it was "DRB".

DRB: Evan it has only been like 3 hours since we spoke but can we talk again on the phone. Maybe to pick up from where we left off? Or not we can just start all over again?

I didn't know how to reply back to her message. Fast and quickly or should I just wait for forty minutes to pass? Forty minutes for the win. I look up from my phone to see Jon deciding on what cereal to pick. In his left hand he had Cinnamon Toast Crunch and in his right hand Frosted Flakes. "Why not both?" I said. He turned around with a pinkish color in his face and uttered, "How long were you watching me?" I shrugged, "Long enough to know that you're a fucking mess." Jon then puts the cereal boxes in the cart and starts pushing the cart to the checkout and I follow.

*Time skipped*

All the groceries were put away and once we were done, we both threw ourselves on the couch. I turned to Jon and said, "Wow, you bought a shit load of groceries for a whole family to eat." He let out a little laugh, "I usually buy half of that for myself, but since there's another person here I don't have to eat or be alone." He gets up from the couch and says, "Imma' be in my room for a bit." I listened to his footsteps as they got more distant and then finally heard the door close. Is that how he feels? Alone? Why? Having a dog is company, right?

A/N: Again... Sorry for the lateness and the grammar mistakes. *cries* Other than that I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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