Good Luck

709 22 11

3rd Pov

Jonathan was still sick.  He stayed in bed for two days already. Both Jonathan and Evan thought the two days were a waste of time, they didn't tell each other this. Evan still continued texting Sydney and Jonathan continued to help Evan out. Texting Sydney didn't stop Evan from helping Jonathan though, if anything it brought them closer.

Evan's Pov

"I'm telling the truth, I fucking broke a guy's arm once during hockey." Jon laughed then said, "There is no way in hell that you did that. I just don't believe you." "Do I have to break your arm to make you believe?" Jon thought for a moment, "No... I'm good but I think it's time for me to get some sunlight. Let's go into the backyard"

Once we entered his backyard, my jaw dropped. He had a pool, but it was empty with a few flower petals inside of it. The flowers were from the trees that were around the pool. Pink and white flowers. "The pink trees are called Eastern redbuds, while the white ones are called Flowering dogwood." Jon says with a smile. "Did you plant them?" I asked. "No...they were already here when I bought the house" I look over at Jon, and he's smiling away with  a red nose and hopeful eyes. He looked as if he was day dreaming and he probably was. His smile continued but the spark of hope fade then so did his smile. "The trees remind me of my childhood." I look back at the trees, wondering if I could remember the trees back home in Canada. "My childhood was alright. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst. My family did have their struggles but we made through it somehow."  Jon kept his eyes on the trees, while I could just watch and listen to him speak. "I really don't know why I'm telling you this maybe it's the trees but, after I moved out of my parents house I became independent. It was actually a depressing moment. I thought I would have to work for the rest of my life as a stocker. Then YouTube came around, played video games with you guys, and that lead to me being who I am today. To tell you the truth I'm doing fine. Everything is fine. I'm just afraid of somethings and that's all." "What are you afraid of?" I asked him. Jon smiled then looked at me, "I'm afraid of losing it all. I'm afraid of losing what I love the most in life." He looks back at the trees with a small smile. I decided it was time to go back inside.

Jonathan's Pov

"Imma' go inside now, and um good talk I think. I didn't think I was gonna' get a deep story from you" Evan said as he starts to walk away, but then he comes back and says, "You know I feel like I understand you better as a friend, so thank you for letting me get to know you even more." I nodded to show that I was listening, I'm still a little weak from being sick and I wanted to thank Evan for taking care of me but I didn't. Plus it was too late, Evan finally went back inside and I decided to stay outside. Evan is such a great guy. He really does care for the ones he loves. I've noticed that too. Even though he still talks to his cheating, lying, ex-girlfriend, he cares deeply for her. He says he doesn't, but if he really didn't care, he would've dropped her a long time ago. I think I'm okay with Evan talking to her. I mean it's not like they're getting together. And if they do, that wouldn't hurt me. At least I don't think it'll hurt me. Hopefully it doesn't hurt me.

Evan's Pov

DRB: So how's your day going, babe? Is Jon getting better?

Evan: It's going good, and Jon is finally getting better :)

DRB: Good! He'll get better in no time and then you can finally come back home and we can talk everything out! :)

Evan: Yeah about that...

DRB: What? You can't come home yet..?

Evan: No, I want to stay a little longer with Jon

DRB: baby I want to see you and talk to you in person, to know where we are now

Evan: I know...but for now I need to focus on Jon. You're not my focus.

She didn't reply back. I was left on seen. But it was the truth, I wasn't gonna' lie to her, Jon is my main focus. Before I leave I want to figure out if Jon is okay, and what was the problem to his moodswings. He's happy now, but I know that deep down he's hiding something. "Evan?" I look up to see a red nosed Delirious. "Yes?" I said with a smile. "I think I'm getting a little better so you don't need to take ca-" I cut him off, "No, Imma' take care of you until you're actually better"

Jonathan's Pov

"No, Imma' take care of you until you're actually better" Evan said with a stern face. The warm feeling appeared again, and I blushed, but instead of running away I continued to stay and let it happen. "Are you hot?" Evan asked. "W-what? Why do you ask that?" I threw in an awkward chuckle. He got up from the couch came close to my face. I backed up a little, but he got closer. "Evan?" My cheeks get warmer, and the same goes to my whole body. My heart starts to pound even faster than before. Yet, he goes in for a hug and says, "Don't worry about me taking care of you, man. As a friend, let me help you." He lets me go of me and tells me that he's gonna' take a shower so I have to be easy on myself. He acts as if I'm dying. But fuck why did he have to come so close to my face?

A/N: Oof school is going to start soon for me, and if it's going to start soon for you as well, then the title of this chapter is definitely for you. Soo Good Luck. Hope ya'll enjoyed. I'm going to be a Junior, ugh one more year and then I'm a Senior.

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