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Jonathan pov
I woke up in a warm situation. I didn't want to leave my spot. I finally open my eyes and tried to reclaim my vision. Where am I? I thought I was in my room? I look up to see Evan holding me. My eyes widened. What should I do? I can ruin his sleep..if I wake him up but, who wants to be woken up when you're sleeping. I look around of my surroundings and spot my mask on the ground. Aw.. shit. Evan was asleep. Evan was holding me. My mask is on the ground. Did we...? No..we couldn't have because I still have my clothes on and so does Evan. My thoughts now going wild. The more I think, the more hot it gets. I reach for my mask and fail of getting it. I continue to reach my mask. "Stop trying so hard. I'm awake now." Evan says. Evan lets go of me and says, "Go get your mask. I'm closing my eyes." I get up and got my mask and put it on. I turned around to look at Evan. He fell back to sleep. I chuckled. I stared at him for a while. I read something on a book before that when people go to sleep they look young. It was true. Evan looked young. He looked so peaceful. He was so.....adorable. I made a weird noise and quickly walked away. My heart was beating fast. I went to my room and closed the door. I threw my mask on the bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Baby blue eyes. I tried smiling. It looked creepy. When Evan smiles its perfect. He's so perfect. I'm nothing but, a creepy, scrawny guy. I sigh. I envy Evan. Evan. That name...so perfect. I laugh at myself in self pity. I walk to my bed, feeling the urge to cry and I throw myself to my own bed. I lay down staring at the ceiling. Tears roll down my eyes and I let them. Why am I so confusing? Why do I act this way? Why do I care so much? I put my hand over my heart and feel it beating. I think of Evan and it starts up beating fast. I quickly get up from bed and realized what it meant. It all connected. I don't envy Evan. I...like him. I have a crush on my best friend. It starts getting hot. Does that mean.. I'm gay? No.. It can't be.. I like girls to. Am I bisexual? No.. No.. No..It's all fake. My heart starts racing, my breathing increased. What will my parents think? What will Luke think? What will Evan think? What will my subscribers think? Why is this so difficult? I start crying out loud more. I still have my hand over my heart. I bump into the wall. "This is all a dream," I thought to myself. I'll wake up and I wouldn't be having these feelings for Evan. My best friend. Then all of the sudden, I hear a knock on my door. "Jon? Are you in there?" Evan asked. I shut myself up from crying and wiped my tears away. "Yeah. What is it?" I reply with a weird tone in my voice. "Can I come in?" That question hit me in the heart. "You still like Evan. Maybe, it's just for a little while. I mean, after all he is your best friend. You wouldn't want to weird him all out with this problem of yours." I ended up telling myself. "Yeah.. Just let me put my mask back on." I said with a sniff. I grabbed my mask and put it on. I finally opened the door and I didn't want to make eye contact with Evan.

Evan pov
Jon finally opens the door. I stared at him. "I didn't really want to go in. I just wanted to talk to you." I said with a smile. I knew there was something wrong with him. I just didn't want to point it out. I woke up from a thump. I was actually by Jon's door for a while. I heard him crying and mumbling but, I couldn't make out what he was saying. Jon sniffed, "Oh...well can you wait in the living room for me? I'll be out in a second." I cocked my head back, "Okay?" I walked back to the living room while being worried. I really hope Jon is okay. I really want to help him. That's the whole reason I'm here. I told Luke about Jon's mood swings and how I felt like I should help him. Whatever is bothering Jon, I'll fix that. "Alright.. So what was it that you want to talk about?" Jon says. His voice sounded better. I open my mouth but, nothing comes out. I can be straight forward and ask if he's okay or I can lie. "Are you...o" I manage to say. Jon jumps. "Are you going to the store, later on today?," I ended up asking. "Wow... Nice going Evan, " I said inside my head. He laughs, "Actually, yeah." "Well, can I go?" I asked. "I don't want to walk around in the store with my mask on." Jon says slowly. I smirk, "I knew you are were going to say that and that's why I have a plan." He scratches the back of his neck, "A plan?" I chuckled, "Yeah. See we can go to the store but, not in the same car. I'll have to take a taxi. We won't even be with each other." Jon makes a weird noise, "Why don't...I...just... Um.. Show you my face? It's not that hard right?" I felt the chills crawling down my back. "What? Are you saying that you want to show your face?" Jon touches his hockey mask, "Yeah.. I think I'm ready." I stare at Jon for a while. I super excited but, in the inside. I didn't want to express that I was happy about seeing his face so, I kept my cool. "Just do what you think is right." I said with a smile.

Author's Note-

Sorry about the long wait. I was hella busy. Anyways Thank you so much for the support on this story. It makes me really happy to see people enjoy this.

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