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Jonathan's Pov

The smell of pizza. The smell of pineapples. The smell of Cooper. The smell of Evan's cologne. Made me puke in front of Evan. And here I am in the bathroom. Puking my guts out.

"Are you okay in there?" Evan asked. I take a deep breath, "Yeah.. I'm perfectly fin-" Another blow. "Okay this is fucking ridiculous, I'm coming in" Evan says. He unlocks the bathroom door somehow and starts patting my back. He hands me a water bottle and says "Drink up" I take my head out of the toilet to drink the water bottle, but then another blow. "That one sound harsh" Evan says with a chuckle. I finally end up getting a sip of water and I felt a lot better. "Let me feel your forehead... Just in case" Evan says. I shook my head and said that I was only throwing up because of all the smells. Evan did not care though, he felt it anyways. "You're burning up!" He said with a different tone in his voice. He chuckled, "I guess I gotta' take care of you, huh?"

I wanted to tell him that he didn't need to, but I was already starting to feel weak. Too weak to even walk, so Evan had to walk me to my room. "Okay H2O Delirious, get into the bed" I do as I'm told, because what am I suppose to do. "Jon you probably have the flu... Or maybe just a simple fever. I'm not really sure, but I'll try my best to make sure you don't die" I chuckle and asked "Can you get Cooper in here?" "I don't think that's a good idea, so no" "Well I'm gonna' watch Tv then" I said as I grabbed for the remote. Evan grabs the remote from me and says, "What you need is rest so no Tv either"

I grab the remote from him and said, "Rest can also be watching Tv so that's what I'm gonna' do" I stuck my tongue out. He grabbed the remote from me again and said, "No you bitch, you need rest, as in sleep" and laughed. This time when I tried to grab the remote from him, his grip was tight, and the strength I used was strong which made him fall on top of me. "Oh shit I'm sorry" said Evan as he got off of me.

Evan's Pov

"Oh shit I'm sorry" I told Jon while getting up. I looked at him and he was red. I probably knocked the air out of him or he probably held his breath. "I-its okay. You should probably get out of here. You might get sick too" he said while pulling the covers over his body. "I don't get sick easily, so don't worry, I'll be here with you" Jon throws the covers over his face as well and says, "Okay but it's your fucking fault if you get sick too. And if I have to take care of you I'm gonna' have the rights to say I told you so okay?" I laugh, "Okay Jon, anywho back on our conversation of relationships, I can hook you up with someone"

He sticks his head out of the covers,"You can?" I sit next to him with a smile, "Yes, she's pretty nice and she has a nice as-" "No that's okay" He sits himself up and says, "I didn't tell you this, but I'm in love with someone"

Jonathan's Pov

"I didn't tell you this, but I'm in love with someone" Alright...if he asks who, say it's a girl obviously. I can't make it too obvious that it's him and I don't want him to know that I like guys now. Evan's smile fades away. "Oh...man well who is it?" I laugh, "You wouldn't know her. She basically doesn't exist" He gives a weak smile and says, "Well atleast tell me about her since you're in love with her and all"

"Okay well...I met her the way I met you guys. Online. She's amazing. She's so fucking cool. She's chill and fucking smart." I take a glance at Evan, "And she's so beautiful" I look away from him and continued, "She probably doesn't look at me the same way. We're two different people and I've never felt this way before. She literally makes me smile all the damn time. She's a goddess, while I'm nothing, but a skinny dude who looks awkward." Evan stayed quiet. "I can't tell her anything as well...I don't have the guts, and I'm scared everything would change if I do tell her." I laughed, "That's my pathetic love life"

"Wow it seems like you love her very much...I hope some day I could speak about a girl like that... All in love" Evan says with a hopeful smile. "To tell you the truth, " Evan continues, "I'm a fucking hopeless romantic. It doesn't look like it, but I really am." Evan stops and then says, "Imma' go eat that pizza, I won't bring it in here either. You might throw up again so, I'll just eat and talk to Cooper" He gets up and walks out of my room and now I'm alone with my thoughts. I can't believe I said that I was in love with someone. I literally would say anything to get out of a conversation. Fuck. I'm so fucked. What if he wants to see her face? Fuck. What did I do? I'm lying in front of his face. Well... I mean technically I am in love with someone, so that's not a lie, but the whole part of it being a girl is technically a lie. Fuck. Shit. I'm so stupid. I hate myself. "I fucking hate myself" I blurted out loud. I covered my mouth. Did I say that out loud? How loud did I say that? Did Evan hear me?

Evan Pov

"Imma' go eat that pizza, I won't bring it in here either. You might throw up again so, I'll just eat and talk to Cooper" Jon doesn't say anything so I get up and leave. I'm a little surprised that Jon is in love with someone. I didn't really think... He would fall in love with someone... It's a little shocking because his character on YouTube is well, H2O Delirious. The thought of H2O Delirious being in love with someone is a little strange. I just thought if he was gonna' be in love....it would be someone he's close to. I hope he gets what he wants, he deserves it. If she doesn't see what a great guy Jon is, then she's missing out. I take a bite of my pizza then another one, while Cooper stares at me. "You can't have this" I told him. I go in for another bite, but instead I drop it and Cooper snatched it and runs away with it. "Cooper come back" I follow him into the hallway. Cooper runs into my room, which is at the end of the hallway. I sigh hoping he doesn't make a mess in the room with the pizza. "I fucking hate myself" I hear Jon say. Luckily, I didn't pass his room yet, knowing him, he would be embarrassed if he knew I heard him say that. So, I walked back in the living room, wondering, why does he hate himself? Is it about that girl?

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