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Evan pov
FUCKK! I'm running late! If I don't catch this plane now then there's no way I'll get to hang with my best friend. I sigh while running through people and repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry." for bumping into them. And when I finally entered the plane and got my stuff in order, I sat in my seat and closed my eyes for a while."Excuse me sir, can my son sit next to you?" I open my eyes to see a lady with her son. "I sit across from you and there's no other seat near me." I look at her son then back at her and smiled, "Yeah." She gives me a pleasant smile and says, "Thank you." She talks with her son for a while and leaves him with me. He looks at me then sits down. He was pretty shy for like two hours until he spoke up. "My name is Bruce. Whats your name?" I chuckled, thinking about one of my videos with Delirious when we were being Batman. "My name is Evan." Bruce looks up at me with a red face and says, "Yeah..I know that. I watch your videos." I sit up properly, "Oh so you're a fan?" He looks down at his hands, "Yeah..but my mom doesn't like me watching your videos. Luckly, she doesn't know who you are." I smile. Then he continues, "It was plan sitting next to you. I saw you in a rush earlier. There was actually one seat next to this fat guy but, I didn't want to sit there. So, I told my mom that I saw you earlier hugging your kids good-bye. And I guess she thinks you're a family man." I laugh, thinking how smart this kid was. "So, why are you flying to North Carolina?" He asked with a huge smile. "I'm gonna' go see a special friend of mine." He smiles then yawns. "I wanna take nap." I yawn next, "Yeah..so do I." Next thing you know it, he's knocked out asleep. Wow..how old is this kid anyways? He looks like he's seven. And he watches my videos? Didn't think I had little kids watching my channel?

Jonathan pov

Any minute now I'll hear a knock on the door from Evan. I walk back and forth in my living room with my hockey mask on, while biting my nails. Shit, if I keep doing that I'll get into my old habit. My phone vibrates in my pocket. It was Evan.

Vanoss: Hey..I might be late.

I take a deep breath. I fall to the couch in relief that he wasn't coming to my house right now.

Del: Thats okay.

I lay on the couch so happy yet so scared. Evan is a super cool dude and I don't want to put off a bad first expression. I took off my mask and toss it to the ground. I don't like to say that I have "problems". Its more like, that I think way to much. I sigh. Maybe I do have problems?

Vanoss: Nvm. I just got off the plane.

I felt my eyes widened more than the usual. I quickly get up and put my mask on. I look down at my outfit. A good looking shirt and sweatpants. I chuckled to myself. Why the fuck am I wearing sweatpants? I change into some jeans and text Evan back.

Del: Do you want me to pick you up or do you want my address?

Vanoss: Give me your address. I got a free ride from a little boy's mom. Lol.

I text out my address to Evan and sent a happy face. I put my phone down and looked around the house to see if it looked messy. It looked pretty clean to me. Then, I gave my dog some more food and water. I watched my dog eat for a while and then wonder if Evan is okay with dogs.

Del: Which do you prefer dogs or cats?

Vanoss:Dogs Lol why?

Del: Just asking.

I smile. Well I hope he likes my dog....I get all hot. Thats sounds completely wrong. I feel myself blushing. Is that what it means when I get hot? Was I just blushing the whole damn time? The hell does that mean? I shake my head from these weird thoughts. I start walking around my living room, because of boredom and waiting.

Vanoss: You have a dog, huh?

Del: Yea...

Vanoss: xD Guess what?

Del: Lol...what?

Vanoss: Go.. open the door.

At this point, I froze up. It felt like biting into ice cream and your teeth couldn't stand the coldness. I stare at the front door for a moment.. then a knock came. I jumped in fright. Was I worried? Sorta. Was I scared? No. I walked to the door and quickly opened it. "Hey, Cool mask!" I laugh, "I guess that's one way to start a conversation." Evan rubs his head, "Yea...so do you want me to sleep outside or?" I forgot to invite him in. Wow...nice going Jon. "Oh jeez....come on in!" I move out of the way for Evan to walk in. He walks in my house, in amazement. I watch while he looks around my house with his rolling bag. I smile, he looks...so..I feel the hotness come to me again. "Wow..to think I'm in the one and only H2O Delirious's house." He turns around and smiles. I jumped..I hope he didn't see that. "Well, Evan you are lucky because in The H2O House, I have a guest room." He chuckles, "Show me the way then!" I walk off while laughing and Evan following me. I had the door already open..why? I don't know. Evan looks in the room, "Is that your dog?" I look inside the room as well and see my dog napping on the bed. I sigh while walking inside with Evan, "Yeah..that's him alright." Evan places his rolling bag near the corner and says, "Is he gonna' sleep with me?" I laugh, "Nah..he has his own bed. Anyways..this is your room for...wait how long are you staying?" Evan looks at me with a clueless expression, "I don't know. Can I stay for as long as I want?" I cocked my head back, "Sure...I guess. Um..Imma' give you some time to get your stuff all situated. I'll be in the living room." Evan nods and I walk to the living room and sit on the couch. I had to think for a while. About....Evan.

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