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Jonathan's Pov

I stared at myself in the steaming mirror. I was finally cleaned. I felt alot better. I smiled. It was still creepy. One reason why I don't smile because it looks creepy. Fuck... Why am I so creepy? I shake off the damn thoughts. I get out of the bathroom and realized my room door was closed. I passed by my room but, I stopped. I stood outside my door because I thought I heard Evan talking. I pressed my ear against the door. Why is he in my room talking to him self? "I love you too, Sydney." I hear him say. My heart dropped. I slowly walked away... going to the living room. I slowing sat down on the couch. Why am I taking this to a surprise? Just because I have a crush on him... There should be no reason why I feel like this? It's like my whole world came crashing down. I see what they mean now by, "Curiosity killed the cat." I got curious...into what Evan was doing and now I feel like..shit. I hear his footsteps walking to the living room. I then struggle to find my phone... To make myself look as if I was busy on Twitter or something.

Evan's Pov

I walk into Jon looking underneath the couch. I laugh, "Dude..What are you doing?" He quickly gets up, he looks sort of in a panic with  a tint of red to his face. He sighs, "I'm looking for my phone.. Have you seen it?" I shook my head, "Should I call it?" Jon nods. I pull out my phone and called. We stay quite to listen. His face turns brightly red. He pulls out his phone out of his pocket. Jon gives a nervous laugh.. I can tell he's embarrass. I laugh along with him while ending the call. "So.. Imma' take a shower. And by the way... I over fed your dog." I give a chuckle, hopefully he won't get mad. He has a blaffed look to his face, "Oh it's fine...You still wanna' go to the store right?" I give a nod then say, "Yeah.. I'll be quick. Probably" I gave a wink. He laughs, "Dude... Don't even think about fucking jerking off in my shower. That's just nasty!" I walk away with a smile and called out, "I'm just messing around, don't even worry. I'm Canadian and I don't lie!" I walk into the bathroom and shut the door. I hear Jon laughing away. Damn that must have broke him.

Jonathan's pov 

I wiped my tears away, I was laughing way to damn much over that dumb joke. Did that seem flirty? Laughing at a small joke. Nah...I bet not. I sit back down on the couch, letting out a sigh, then hoping to fall asleep and never waking up, hoping that having a crush on Evan, my best friend, would go away. Then, I think about the my fans. The Delirious Army. Would they accept me being this way? They would never know though, since I don't share my personal life to them. So that problem is outta' the way. I close my eyes, wishing for this to be all over. I remember watching a movie once about how a boy fell in love with his best friend, which was a girl of course but, later on he put his feeling away for her because he knew falling for a best friend would just fucking kill off the friendship and plus, he might be getting back with Sydney. Evan...is not even gay or bisexual. So what's the chance of me...being able to be with a guy like him? Fuck...feelings are so difficult. I pick up my phone and went to my contact list, trying to find Luke's number. I hesitate on calling him. Maybe later? No... I need to do this now! No... Later when Evan is not here. But then it would be too late. Fuck it! It rang two times then, "Hey Jon, what's up?" I gave out a big sigh, "Can you come over real quick...before Evan gets outta' the shower? I need to tell you something...in person... It's important." "Alright, I'll be there." And like that he hung up. I knew he was going the come over as quickly as he can... So I had to wait patiently with my thoughts. I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this. Yet, all I know is, that I had to at least five minutes to know exactly what to say. It can't be that hard, right?

A/N - It's shorter than usual... But I wanted this chapter over with. Sorry again.. With the wait.
High School isn't easy :/ Also... If there's grammar mistakes..it's bc I'm lazy.

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