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3rd pov

Evan couldn't believe it. He had to remain calm but, how can he? He was in Delirious's house. It was like Christmas all over again. Evan was so happy to be there. Maybe..it was the fact that Delirious is really mysterious. Evan shook away his thoughts and looked around the room he was going to sleep in.

Evan pov
Who even slept in here, anyways? Did Delirious have a secret girlfriend or something? I didn't like that thought. I hated that thought. "Hey Delirious! Did anyone ever slept in here?" I yelled out, because of my laziness. I heard his footsteps walking toward the room and when he gets there he says, "No..Its just a room that I have. Why you asking?" I cocked my head back, "No reason. Now, are you ready?" Delirious jumps while laughing, "For what?"
"Duh!! A video game!" I yell, almost waking up the dog. "Alright..then. Shall we play WWE 2K16?" I feel myself smile super big. "Hell Yea! I bet $20 bucks that I'll beat you." He stares at me for a moment then walks away saying, "Well don't cry like a big baby when I take that $20 bucks!"

Jonathan pov
"Well don't cry like a big baby when I take that $20 bucks!" I said while walking away. I started setting up the PS4. While doing so, I kept thinking of Evan's big smile, showing teeth and all. Why did that make me feel safe? Why did it make me walk away like that? I turned on the Tv and the PS4. Why do I care so much? Now it's all hot. I turned around to see Evan watching me and my every move. "When did you get here? Were you planing to scare me?" I asked while putting the CD in. Evan laughs, "No not really. Hey Delirious?" I grab the two controllers and said, "Yeah?" "Since you call me by my real name, can I call you by your real name? Or do you want me to just keep calling you Delirious?" I sit kind of next to him and hand him the controller, "Sure. Just call me Jon or Johnny." I look at him to see his big cheesy smile. Luckly, I'm wearing this mask. Whatever face expressions I make he won't be able to see them.


I won..like most of the rounds. Yet, I kept looking at Evan and thinking the same thought. He was so perfect...even though I beat him at the game. His looks are perfect. "Where's my $20 bucks?" I said with my crazy laugh at the end. "I lied to you. I don't have $20 bucks." Evan says with a killer smirk. "What! You said though!" Evan does a little laugh, "Well I lied!" "Oh wow!" I said with a little yawn. "Are you tired? It's only 7." "Playing games make me tired. Are you hungry I can make you something?" Evan stares at me which made me uncomfortable so I walked to the kitchen. "Shit..I forgot to go to the store to by more groceries." I say while looking in the fridge. "Its cool...but what do you have to eat right now?" Evan asked. "Well..I have pizza rolls." I replied. Evan walks into the kitchen and says with a serious face,"You should make the whole bag of pizza rolls." I smile, "Alright." I got the bag and cut it open with a knife. "Jon" Evan says. I had the knife in hand and my heart was beating quickly. He said my real name. I felt myself smile. "Yeah?" I turn around to look at him. Evan smiles, "Nothing.. you just look like the real H2O Delirious." I put the pizza rolls in the microwave and said, "Ain't I the real Delirious though?" He laughs, "I mean the psychopath, murder machine, Delirious." I froze up...Is that how people think of me? Do they think I'm capable of killing? "Is that what people think of me?" I asked Evan without looking at him. Evan stays quiet for a moment then says, "No....I don't think of you like that so, why would they?" I finally put the knife away after his comment. "Well..good, you know why that's good?"

Evan pov
"Well..good, you know why that's good?," Jon says while lifting up his mask. He lifts it till it shows his mouth. "No, why is it good?" I asked with a higher pitch voice. "So they don't know who I really am," Jon says with a smile. Not really a pleasant smile, more likely a evil smile yet, cute. Wait what? I take a step back from the kitchen, "Right?!" I said. Jon starts walking towards me while I keep walking backward. I fall on the couch and Jon still has his smile. "Are you alright, Jon?" I asked. "The question is, are you alright?" Jon says. "Y-yeah..I'm fine." I manage to say. "Okay good! Because I was just fucking around with you." Jon says while walking back to the kitchen and laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face! You were so scared!" He continues on. "No shit you scared me! You're H2O Delirious! I don't know what to expect from you." I yelled out. Then I realize, I'm still laying on the couch so I quickly get up and walked into the kitchen. "Hey! What are you doing?" Jon looks up at me and says "I'm splitting up the pizza rolls." I shook my head. "There's no need for that...I already had it planned out. We're gonna watch a movie while eating a plate full of pizza rolls together." Jon didn't know it but, he had his mask still lifted. His mouth was showing and it looked like he was trying not to smile and his chin was a little red. "Oh...well take the plate and put Netflix on." Jon's chin got even more red. I smile and took the plate from Jon. I hope Jon is okay. I hope that redness is not something bad. Jon......

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