You've Got Me Part 3 - Brian and John

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Requested by MaylorandDeacury101 - I won't be taking any more requests for now as I'm trying to have a little break from writing x

It had been months since PC May and PC Deacon spent time in hospital. Although the events of that day were all over, they were still painful to think about and were etched into the minds of the two policemen.

Their relationship with each other has been going from strength to strength. Before they were together they had a pretty strong bond, but now that bond was unbreakable and they would do anything for each other.

Today was one of those rare work days where the pair weren't actually together. Due to a lack of policemen, tonight the pair would have to go solo.

"I'll see you tonight" Brian kisses John goodbye before heading over to one of the police cars

"You're cooking tonight! I did it yesterday!" John shouted before Brian could get into his car

"Sure sure, whatever!" Brian chuckled

John headed over to one of the other police cars and seated himself in it.


As soon as I sat down in the car I got a call for a job.

"PC Deacon to control, are you available to go to an incident on Miracle Lane?" My walkie talkie spoke

"I am. Any details?" I talked back, beginning to drive to the scene

"A young man with threatening behaviour, said to be armed. He's in his twenties and wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. He's been making threats to neighbours"

"What is he armed with and what is he threatening?" I asked, getting a bit anxious about what was ahead

"A large knife. One caller said he was threatening to kill anyone who would try and stop him. Be careful"

"Alright" I took a deep breath, "I'm nearly there"

I pulled up at Miracle Lane and got out of my car. I walked up the street to see a man dressed in all black, just like the control station said.

"Excuse me sir?" I said, making myself known

The man looked over his shoulder and saw me there. He began to run, that was when I saw the very large knife in his hand. I instantly started to run after him, using my speed to catch up quickly.

We weren't even at the end of the Lane when I caught up with him. We scuffled on the ground for a few minutes before I finally had control over him and lifted him to his feet.

"What is your name?" I asked

"Did you not hear what I said I was going to do if someone tried to stop me?" He had a mean look on his face

"What is your name sir?" I repeated the question

Out of nowhere he managed to break free from my grasp and put the knife to my neck. I quickly pressed my panic button on my walkie talkie that sat on my belt. I breathed heavily as I began to stress.

"You better stay quiet" The man said angrily. I wouldn't dare make a squeak. Where is Brian?


I was just driving away from the supermarket where I was dealing with a suspected shoplifter. It was a case of mistaken identity so I wasn't long there. I got a call from the control station.

"All forces make their way to Miracle Lane immediately. Police Officer had pressed the panic button."

"On my way" I said back. The panic button was hardly ever used. I've only ever been to 2 panic button calls in my time as a policeman.

I began to wonder what had happened and who pressed the panic button. The thought of it being John made my heart skip a beat. I started to drive a bit faster, just in case. Unfortunately I was on the other side of town so I wouldn't be the first there. Please let it not be John.

As I turned on to Miracle Lane I saw loads of police cars. The whole force could possibly be here. Some policemen were armed with guns, pointing to somewhere I can't currently see. As I got closer, Superintendent Beach approached me.

"What's happened here then?" I said casually and quietly

"It's PC Deacon" Jim confessed. In that moment my heart dropped and I ran to see what was happening.

I froze when I saw the guy holding on to John with a knife pressed against his neck. John looked over to me and we made eye contact. His eyes weren't sparkling like they were this afternoon when we kissed each other goodbye before getting on with our shifts. His eyes were desperate and looking around frantically. Despite this, he wasn't crying. Probably in fear that he would startle the man with any kind of noise.

I couldn't stand and watch anymore. I ran around the back of all the cars and made my way behind the man with my boyfriend in his grasp. With all my strength I pulled the arm that was welding the knife and lightly pushed John away to safety. All the other policemen were in shock of my actions but quickly came over to tackle the man to the ground. I was never one to break the regulations but this involved John and I was not going to wait another second to have him back in my arms where he belonged.


John sat himself down in the pavement and calmed himself down, restoring his breathing.

"Are you ok?" Brian fussed, crouching down next to John and hugging him tight

"I think so, just a bit shocked" John nodded

"It's ok. Superintendent Beach says we can go home and a little birdie told me it's my turn to cook tonight" Brian grinned

"That sounds like a plan" John smiled, still shaking a lot

"Come on then. Give me a hug and then I'll take you home" Brian said after helping John to his feet. Of course John accepted the hug. He held on tightly to Brian as they swayed for a moment in the middle of the street.

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