King - Freddie and Brian

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vampiregirl2131890 has requested some Frian. Here we go! I got this idea after watching some medieval film, I was kinda thinking, what would it be like if the members of Queen had their own land. Hopefully this isn't too confusing! I also may or may not have put a few song references in here. Whoops!

"You must obey me. I am your Father as well as your King!" King Bomi shouted at his son

"You can't change me Papa!" Prince Freddie shouted back

"It's against the law! My law!" The King boomed

"Well, it's a ridiculous law. People should have somebody to love, regardless of their gender or sexuality" Prince Freddie became emotional. He was frustrated at his Papa's rules and his feeling towards one of the Duke's in their land. No matter how much he tried to persuade his Father, his antics would only end up disgusting him more.

"It's wrong!" Bomi growled

"Well, you have no choice but have me as your heir. I am next in line and as soon as I'm sat on that throne I'm changing all of your beloved laws!" Freddie spoke in a low voice

With that, the King turned around and walked away. He was in ill health anyway, he knew the day where Freddie will be King would come but it was fast approaching. He hated disagreeing and arguing with Freddie but he always put authority before anything else. Rules were rules. His son would bring shame to him. That's what hurt Prince Freddie the most, how his Father talked about shame. He wished his mother was still alive, he knew she would find a way to persuade his father to change the law. Her Mother Love was unconditional.

"King Bomi has died. We announce that the land of Rhapsody has a new King. Long live King Freddie!"

As promised, Freddie took action this day and changed the laws and had a big party to celebrate it and his coronation. He spoke to his best friend and advisor, Roger, Lord Ga Ga.

"Do the subjects hate me?" Freddie asked

"There was disagreements with the older of you people Your Majesty. However, you must ride the wild wind and rule these people. In times like this they need a strong leader" He answered, "But don't try so hard, you need time to grieve too"

"I know my Father was a well loved King. I loved him too. It was just that one law that haunted me. I had to change it as soon as I can. How else would I have a chance with the Duke of Headlong?" Freddie smirked. Ever since he was a young Prince he had always fancied that curly haired Duke. Lord Ga Ga knew about how the, now, King felt. He guessed a while ago.

Their conversation halted when another one of Freddie's friends walked in. This time is was Sir John Bijou.

"Your Majesty, the party is about to start. Everyone is here" Sir Bijou announced

"Thank you. And you don't need to say 'Your Majesty'. I'm still the same Freddie" The King grinned

Dead on time, The King was presented in front of the whole party. Those were the formalities. As soon as he said his hellos and done his waves, the party really began to start. It was everything you'd expect a party hosted by the King would be. Everyone got very drunk and in a drowse with all the expensive wine that was flowing. On the contrary, King Freddie hadn't had a single sip of the alcohol. He was unbelievably nervous and scared of being the King. Would he get it right? Would his people like him as much as his father? He was sat alone at a table in the corner of the room, worrying about his future as King.

Someone then plonked themselves next to the King, "Good evening your Majesty" it was Duke Headlong

Freddie instantly fell in love again when he met his eyes, "Hello Brian" he smiled

"I thought you might want some normality. I haven't had a drink, you can talk to me you know" The Duke knew those worried eyes. He's seen them on Freddie before

"Thank you" Freddie politely smiled

"I thought it was brave; changing the laws. Thank you" The Duke sighed, "people like us have had it tough"

"How did you know?" The King questioned

"Come on Freddie. You don't exactly hide the fights you used to have with your Dad. I had the same with my Father" Brian told

"I didn't know" Freddie looked deep into the Duke's eyes

"Would you like to dance?" The Duke held his hand out to the King

"I've had a better idea" Freddie took Brian's hand and dragged him up the stairs. They went straight through the King's chamber and to the balcony overlooking the land of Rhapsody

"This is beautiful up here. I've never seen the whole land at night" The Duke awed

"It's pretty special" The King agreed

"Do I still get that dance?" The Duke quizzed

"If you'd like. I'm not much of a dancer" The King blushed

The two men got into a ballroom position, holding each other close. Ballroom dancing was a tradition bought in by the late Queen, and Freddie's mother, Jer. Ever since, the Palace would host vast balls for all the nobles in the land.

The pair could still hear the music coming from downstairs as they swayed in the open air. Freddie was very tense and uptight. His body language was awkward and stressed. He has a lot of pressure on him at this time and couldn't seem to shrug off the fear.

"Just relax" The Duke said before letting go of the King's hands and kissing his lips. Brian brought his hands up to Freddie's face and caressed his cheek in a comforting way.

Freddie's eyes went wide until he fell under Duke Headlong's magic and charm. He had dreamt of how this moment would pan out but nothing prepared him for what actually happened. For once, the King was speechless.

"I've always loved you, My Fairy King" the Duke smiled

Midnight soon fell on the land as fireworks began to explode in the sky. The King and The Duke watched the bright colours from the balcony, hand in hand.

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