[Chapter Two]

Beginne am Anfang

And lastly the animal shelter, I have my shift two days a week, but I try to stop by for at least an hour every day before work. I love that I get to help such an amazing place with my kindest most amazing friends.

Work has increased, I work 30 hours a week now, I usually would work 40, but my parents said that the library is my work also, so if I ever have spare time, I always go in and wonder around the departments trying to learn all I can from them.

I know they want me to have more fun but to me, this is fun. I love to do it and I don't want to be selfish.

Now it's rounding the end of summer. School starts in 11 days, and its Thursday.

I'm at the construction site seeing over the final touches of the building, and even bare and not cleaned up, it's still beautiful. Dark hardwood floors and light exposed wood walls.

The building will be finished today, and they should have everything cleaned up by the end of the weekend at the latest.

Now all my energy will have to be split between school, decorating, ordering almost 20,000 books, and buying all of the necessities, while also having to work 20 hours a week and volunteering every day at one place or another except Sundays, this is going to be a long few months, but it's worth it.

My best friend's name is Alexis. She's like the opposite of me; She has the most beautiful dark brown eyes compared to my bright blue. She's a hundred percent Hispanic, where I have a natural slight tan from my dad's side. Her dark brown completely straight hair contrast with my curly blonde wig I wear when I'm out of the house, a compromise.

I talked my parents into letting me dye my hair whatever colors I wanted, but they bought me a blonde wig that was close to my original hair, and told me I needed to wear it out of the house because I had an image I had to keep up.

Currently it's all shades of blonde and brown with Purple, Blue and pink. It's not all tacky, it's tastefully colored, even my parents like it but with the lifestyle we lead and the image we have to uphold I keep that little part of myself to just family and Alexis.

Plus, if kids at school saw it then I would become the rebellious rich girl and that's not an image I want with me either.

On top of appearance, Alexis is hyper and totally outgoing where I'm social, but not in a loud, look and listen to me way. The biggest similarity we have is we both have amazing grades, both in the top five in our class.

Alexis is like me, rich parents but works and studies hard so she can support herself and not live off them for the rest of her life. She hates the stuck up cheerleaders and Jocks, and she volunteers more than I do at the animal shelter. She loves animals so it's perfect for her.

When I got home from the Library that night, I called Alexis and told her to come over.

She already knows about my insane hair, so it's a relief that I don't have to wear a wig for the rest of the night, it's not too bad, but sometimes it gets very irritating.

"Hey Babe, why did you call me over?" Alexis asked walking into my room

"The library construction" I said sounding depressed and trying not to break into a bunch of smiles

"Oh my god, what went wrong?" she came over and asked concerned

"Well, it's" I paused "Done!" I jumped up and yelled!

She hit me "Don't do that to me!" and we both laughed "So, it's actually done ahead of schedule!"

"Yeah, and I guess it saves me money too, it only cost like $285,000 to build, maybe $290,000, but that just gives me a little extra for the interior."

"We should celebrate!" she was excited, she knew how much this meant to me, and was the most supportive best friend in the world.

"Defiantly!" I agreed. I worked hard this summer, I deserve to celebrate.

"So, were going to Damon Parkers house party this weekend" she concluded

"What! Oh no, I'm not going to that." I argued. I do not do parties

"Yes we are, it's the last one of high school. He throws it every year at the end of summer, it's this Saturday, and you are going."





"No! Never!"

"You're going, I'm going to dress you and do your make up, and you're not wearing a wig, and that's that" she concluded

"I have to wear the wig Lex"

"You really think they're going to expect you to go, let alone wear what I have planned, and really have multi colored hair? Plus, they're going to be drunk anyways" she knew that she was wearing me down.

"I don't have a choice do I?" Arguing with her is like trying to eat bricks. 

"Nope" she popped the p "Don't worry, I won't dress you like a slut. She said that and yet I couldn't really bring myself to believe her.

I loved the girl but she was the center of attention compared to my bookworm likes to blend in self. I do socialize, and I have amazing social skills because it's just expected of me, but I just have to study so it doesn't leave much time for too many close friends, just Alexis.

Saturday came around, and Alexis arrived in time for dinner at five to start getting ready by six, the party started at nine. What in the world could possibly take that long since she said we had to be fashionably late, whatever that means.

After dinner we went up to my room, and after some arguing, I got my way not to have my hair straightened. "Alexis, I never wear it down in public, it's going to be I'm wearing it normal" The she proceeded to make me spend an hour and a half curling her hair.

She did both of our makeup and went through my closet.

I have a lot of designer cloths I don't wear, most being my moms. She tossed a red lace bra and pantie set at me and a floral partly see through blouse with jean shorts.

"Go change, and I'm raiding your closet" I went in the bathroom and changed, I really didn't look like myself, I could barely tell it's me, no one better recognize me or Alexis is going to die.

You could see through the shirt and the shorts were too short for my particular liking. My blue eyes popped with my colored highlights and the make-up Alexis put on me. My naturally curly hair looked wild and had a big bow in it to add to the look.

I didn't look like calm girl who had to keep up appearances and spent all her time studying. I looked like a normal teenage girl, it was weird.

When I came out she was in a black short pencil skirt and a red animal print tank top. She looked hot, and threw on my red heels to match where I grabbed my purple ones. I may be a 'Nerd' at school, but I know how to walk like a pro in heels.

"Ready to go?" she asked

"As I'll ever be" I replied.

My parents were away for the weekend in New York, mom has a fashion show, and dad's checking on his restaurants so they won't know, not that they would stop me anyway.

Alexis and I decided to take my dad's car there, and if we need to we would leave it, and get it the next day, and no one would recognize mine, plus I love driving my dad's car.

I have a feeling that tonight is going to be a disaster, but nothing I can do about it now.

My best friend was determined to make me have fun and come hell or high water she was going to make sure that happened.

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