Story Six: Kiana: Part 2

Start from the beginning

Alex and Kiana worked together and fought the beasts hard. Things went well for a few minutes before things went south. Both Alex and Kiana were knocked down a beast twice the size of the ones they just fought. "Mother fu-" said kiana "That this is huge." She then smiled "You ready to take it down Alex?" Alex nodded and said "Yes, this one seems to be the last." Kiana rushed the beast and shot it twice. Alex the went behind the beast and stabbed it in the back with his combat knife. The beast then grabbed the two and threw them into the air. At the peak Kiana and Alex grabbed onto each other and Kiana said "Let's finish this together." Kiana then turned herself upright and yelled out "NEKO CHARM." and the two fell towards the beast. As the got closer Kiana unleashed a massive Kick and destroyed the beast as the two came down. As the beast disintegrated Kiana and Alex were still holding onto each other with their eyes shut.

A few minutes after the beast was destroyed Kiana slowly opened her eyes and say Alex smiling. "Hey Kiana." He said "We did it." Kiana chucked "Yeah, together." Kiana then blushed "Thank you, for helping." Alex looked at Kiana's eyes and said "No problem." The two kept looking at each other until Kiana Kissed him on the cheek and blushed "A little thank you. I love you." Alex kissed her back and said "I love you too."

The months started to go by and Alex and Kiana had their date and became a couple. Each day Kiana would meet Alex at the front of the school and walk with him to his office then head off to her class. Fu Hua still didn't trust Alex, she was quite skeptical of his existence. Himeko and Theresa kept encouraging the two to get even closer, to little success. Mei and bronya for the first few weeks had no idea on what went on, but after a finding out they were happy for Kiana.

One day Kiana and Alex were walking to Alex's office when Kiana asked "Do you want to come over later. I would like it if you could." Alex smiled and replied with "Of course Kiana. I'll come around." Kiana became excited "Awesome, thank you!" She yelled out. Alex smirked "No problem. I'll meet you at 7 then?" Kiana nodded and replied with "Yeah, meet you then."

The day went by and Kiana was daydreaming in class while Himeko was handing out the results for the exam they had. Kiana was surprised to see she got 90/100. She gazed at the test and wondered if Himeko got it wrong, She remembers that she gets at the very most 20/100 in her test. 

After class ended Mei and Bronya walked up to kiana and said "How'd you do on the test Kiana?" Kiana kept looking at her paper and said "I think I got 90?" Mei and bronya were shocked and Bronya said "Let the binya look." Kiana handed the paper over and bronya was just amazed "Wow, for an idiot, you seem to have a good score." Kiana rubbed the back of her head "Ha Ha. Thanks, Alex helped me study for the test. I didn't think it would be a drastic improvement." Mei then chuckled "Seems like you two are getting even closer" Kiana blushed and shyly said  "Yeah, I think we are. That's why I asked if he wanted to come over tonight. So he can finally meet you two." Mei and Bonya smirked "That'd be lovely. I'm sure he is a nice person." Mei said.

Alex was working on a small project in his office, when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said while still looking at his computer typing away. The door opened and he saw Kiana. Alex smiled to her and said "Hey Kiana, everything good." She giggled and said "Yeah, just came to see you and say thanks for helping me study." Alex gave a smiled "No problem. That's what I'm here for." Kiana giggled again "you're the best thing that has happened to me since joining this school." Alex smiled "Oh, you're too nice." Kiana smiled as she left the room saying "See you at 7."

A few hours later, Alex was finally able to get off work and head over to Kiana's dorm. When he got the he knocked on the door and Kiana came to answer it. "Alex, you're here, come in, come in." Kiana practically dragged him in and sat him down on one of the couches. Kiana then shyly said "Thanks for coming, I appreciate it. The others will be here shortly. They had to get something." Alex smiled and said "That's fine, it just means I can spend more time with you." Kiana blushed "Really, well that's fine."

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