13 ~ Laughing

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"Especially those who wear all black." I poke her.

"You got an issue with how I dress, Gigantor?"

"No, just making an observation." Maggie really is sunshine, and I think she attracts those who need it the most.


"I have a request." I inform Chloe Wednesday morning, handing her a smoothie.

"You always want things." She protests, throwing her hair in a ponytail.

"This request comes from your number one fan." She sends me a puzzled look. "Saffron would like for you to come home with us so she can spend time with you."


"Blame it on the need for attention since Scar is so busy." I offer.

"Your sister doesn't pay her any attention?" She asks in alarm.

"No, she does." I explain. "It was a joke. Saffron is just very intrigued by you."


"Because you're short and scary." I laugh. "You're the future her and she knows it."

Sipping on her drink, she sighs. "Sure, I'll tell Wes."

Good, Squirt will be pleased and if she's happy, I'm happy.


Lunch has become a steady pattern of transitioning between my two friend groups. I eat with my brothers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Fridays if they're planning videos. The other days I'm with Zayne and crew.

"Look, I'm just saying that if Kia Gerber walked in this room right now, I would not sleep with her." Zayne says confidently.

"Maggie is not here, you don't have to lie." Wes informs him. "And that is a bold-faced lie if I've ever heard one."

"It's not." He stands firm. "She's not my type."

"She's everyone's type!" Wes covers his face. "I knew this relationship would be the end."

"Grow up, Michaels." Zayne sighs. "Sage, back me up."

Obviously, I would not sleep with her, I have a girlfriend. But I don't. It's okay to think about girls again. I'm not in a relationship. "Let's be honest, boys, I have the best chance of hooking up with her."

"Bullshit." Wes rolls his eyes, clearly keeping some thoughts to himself.

"She's a model, I'm a giant. She's beautiful, I'm hot as fuck. She's famous, I'm internet famous." I smirk. "The stars just align for lucky bastards like myself."

"I'm glad someone thinks so." Wes mutters.

Zayne gets a text and is instantly up, "Maggie needs a hug."

I'm sorry, what?

"That's just sad, man." Wes shakes his head and I want to agree. We're eating.

"What?" Zayne protests. "She's editing my government essay and she said I was so stupid she's in duress. I have to make it up to her."

"Never mind, she deserves that hug." Wes relents. "I've seen your gov grade."

Punching Wes as he goes, I eat my sandwich. Wes doesn't say anything and neither do I. The silence says enough.

"So, um, where's Chloe?" I ask, glancing to the door in hopes of her magically saving me from this forced conversation.

"I don't know." Wes lies, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why are you suddenly friendly?"

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