35: The Aftermath

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What did Joy do after her obviously crazy English teacher tore her answer scripts to pieces? What any normal person in her state of mind would do. She packed her stuff, walked out of the class and went home.

Thankfully, Oluchi took the twins home.

Joy's sister wasn't taking what had happened well and neither was her dad when he came home to find her frowning at the TV.

Words were far from explaining how mad she was. All she knew was that she was feeling a type of anger, one that made her want to strike back. She started to wish she had slapped Mrs. Solomon across the face or even pulled her snakelike threaded hair out of her scalp; or she had at least pushed the woman to the wall. But if she had done any of that, it would have been plain disrespectful and she wouldn't be having as much power as she was.

"So she just tore your script into pieces?" She was on the phone with Bayo and he was as shocked as everyone else about the issue - probably mad from the way he sounded.

"I know I'm not supposed to hate a person, but I not only hate that woman, I despise her." Joy said still feeling 'despise' was less of a word to contain all her rage. "I feel like biting off that her small head from that bone she calls a neck."

"You have every right to hate her. I mean, what did you even do to that woman?"

"Help me and ask her o."

"What are your parents saying about this?"

"My dad's really angry. He's coming with me tomorrow and my mom wants to come along. I think she's equally as angry as my dad, but he doesn't want us all to be there - like a family meeting - because even my sister wants to see the face of that woman. Something about making her look worse than a wall-gecko."

In spite of all the seriousness of the issue, Bayo found himself laughing and Joy cocked a brow, even though he couldn't see her.

"Your sister's that feisty?"

"When she wants to." She shrugged, understanding why he was laughing.

She had told him her sister was one of the kindest and calmest person she knew, so it must have taken him by surprise when she said she was seeking out revenge too.

"Are you OK though?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? Cause that woman really did push your buttons this time around and I-"

"I'm fine, Mr. man. Stop worrying about me. I can take care of myself."

"I know you can. I just can't help but worry."

"And why's that?" It was like a question a girl would ask to confirm if the boy she liked saw her just as she saw him.

She was twisting the end of her hair with her index finger, but stopped when she realized how girl-like and absurd she felt.

"Aren't we friends?"

'Friends, right. That's what they were. Friends could worry too. Why didn't she think of that?'

"Yeah. Sure." She said, hoping she sounded less like a child who had just seen her favorite toy being crushed.

"You're coming to school tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, sure. Why won't I?"

"I don't know. You might be thinking of taking a break because of what happened."

"Oh please." She scoffed. "She's not the first villain I've faced in that school." She said and he chuckled on the other end - a chuckle she had gotten quite familiar with and wanted to hear more often.

NOT THE ONE || Completed✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora