Chapter Forty Two ~ Desert

Start from the beginning

"What happened it was hot all day and now all of the sudden it's freezing"Nami said "I know it seems strange but it's caused by the lack of cloud cover here with nothing to act as insulation it's scorching by day and freezing by night the desert is full of unpredictable dangers"Vivi said.

"Wow just look at all those stars"Chopper said looking at the sky full of stars "Couldn't you see the stars back on your island?"Usopp asked "The skies of the winter island are almost always covered by heavy snow clouds so i've never been able to see this many before"Chopper said "I'm way too cold to enjoy the stars right now"Usopp said "The cold never bothered me anyway" Chopper said. (XP couldn't help myself)

"That's because you wear such a nice fur coat"Usopp said cuddling into Chopper "Back off!" Chopper yelled at him "It's not my fault your fur is so fluffy"Usopp said "Quit making fun of me!" Chopper yelled going to his heavy point form "Monster!"Usopp yelled "Chopper don't turn big we have to huddle for warmth"Zoro said noticeably more irritable as he watched Nicole and Ace chat, he'd rather be cuddling with her then these idiots.

"Wohoo so warm!"Luffy said running over and also cuddling with Chopper "Come a little closer" Usopp said "See isn't this cozy?"Luffy asked "Yeah"Chopper said "I suppose you're surprised aren't you?"Vivi asked going over to Ace and Nicole, Ace looked over to Vivi.

"I mean by Luffy that is, i have to admit i was a little surprised too at first, after all he doesn't seem like much like a pirate captain does he"Vivi said looking over to Luffy where him, Usopp and Zoro were each trying to cuddle up to Chopper, which is why Nicole stayed where she was, she rather stay out of that mayhem "I mean normal pirate captains are respected or feared by their crews, just this afternoon a simple drink of water lead to that big fight"Vivi said.

"But well i think it's just the way Luffy does things"Vivi said looking over to the group that had calmed down and was already sleeping, now Nicole went over there and cuddled into Zoro, who almost automatically put his arms around her, "Took me a while to understand that"Vivi said "He's been like that for as long as i can remember, he hasn't changed a bit since he was a kid, he seems like a fool but people have always gathered around him, he maybe my little brother but he has this mysterious charm about him"Ace said.

"I guess i wasn't telling you anything you didn't already know"Vivi said "He and i do go way back you know, i appreciate it, you thought i was worried about him didn't you?"Ace asked "Yes but i guess my concern is a little misguided"Vivi said.

The sun started to rise in the horizon as the group got ready to travel once more "Ah i found a shrimp"Luffy said holding what was clearly a scorpion "You sure it's a shrimp? That's neat" Chopper said "But shrimp don't live in the desert"Usopp said going over there "Look"Luffy said showing the "shrimp" "I stand corrected it's a desert shrimp"Usopp said "Looks yummy"Luffy said "I wonder if it's eatable"Usopp said "Why not? Crayfish are eatable aren't they?"Luffy asked "I've never seen a real life shrimp before this is really exciting"Chopper said.

Vivi screamed "Luffy get rid of that thing quickly!"she told him "Nah uh that would be wasteful" Luffy said "It's a scorpion don't let its size fool you the poison in its stinger can kill you in seconds!"Vivi said, Nicole popped her head out of the tent with a yawn "Venom dear Vivi, if you bite it, that's poison, if it bites or stings you, that's venom"she said before walking fully out stretching as she walked.

Luffy tossed the scorpion away "Sorry i should have mentioned it earlier"Vivi said "That's for sure"Usopp said, Chopper then heard something and grew serious "What's wrong? What's going on Chopper?"Luffy asked, the small reindeer went higher up on some rocks "Something's coming and quick"Chopper said.

"Something like what?"Usopp asked, Ace walked out of the tents "It looks like the wind is picking up"he said Vivi gasped "Everyone! Hide behind the rocks quick!"she said "How come?"Luffy asked "A sand storm is coming!"Vivi yelled "Looks like a big one too"Nicole said and they took cover just as the storm hit.

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