Battle (2)

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Fred and George had come with the friends to Hagrid's hut as well. They were now standing outside. But the others were inside admiring his baby dragon. Norbert. Why did Hagrid have a baby dragon at a time like this? Who knew. But Hagrid had said he needed to talk to Neville alone. So the others trooped out discussing if the name Norberticus would fit the baby better that's Norbert. Neville came out looking determined.
"Alright guys. I need some help. I want- wait is it okay for me to order people around?"
"Hit." Said Blaise.
"Hagrid said that he was in trouble and so are the students and that I can help them. He said to help the mandrakes grow faster because I'm good with plants. He said he'd have to go soon and if I had any more questions to follow the spiders. So here's how I need help. I can't see the mandrakes anymore because Professor Sprout has them locked up. And we should probably make sure this isn't some nefarious scheme... but I really want to see what the spiders can even do to communicate or show us... so I need help researching before I start."
"Easy," said Aloreaa, "have Hadrian and Blaise research for you. Ask Luna too. Forge and Gred are the best at sneaking around, they'll get you in to see the mandrakes. Well you do that, Draco, Blaise and I will check out the spiders. We'll meet in the library at four in the morning."
"Sometimes I forget my beta is in Slytherin. Comes in useful at times."

  After they got back to the castle Hestia stormed up to them. No Lavender or Hermione the group noticed. (That moment when you forget that your main character has a sibling...) She glared at Harry. He took a step forward, alpha instincts coming to play.
"Unbelievable. You practically murdered my friend and you have no clue!"
"You were off on the grounds and we went looking for you. Don't deny it. Hermione would have been safe in the library if we hadn't gone looking for you! But she's gone."
"Hermione Jean Granger, petrified because we split up to look for you."
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry that she was petrified."
Harry knew if he made even a slight wrong move the his barely scavenged reputation would crumble around him. The twins did not.
"It's not like-"
"It really isn't-"
"You didn't have moral obligation-"
"To find us!"
Hadrian smelled the anger before it happened. Hestia's hand was raised and about to slap one of the twins. That was never going to happen. He stood in front of them and took the hit. He simply growled.
"Leave." Said Lore. And she did.
"Hadrian, we have something to show you." He followed numbly behind her.

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