Walk and Talk

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Harry looked around the room he had just entered. It was supposedly the informal sitting room, but it looked pretty posh. The delta was sitting on a light blue sofa next to a girl who looked like him with brown eyes. She had completely black hair and glasses.

(⬆️but with brown eyes) When everyone was in the room and his father explained who they were, everyone flooed to Diagon Alley

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(⬆️but with brown eyes) When everyone was in the room and his father explained who they were, everyone flooed to Diagon Alley. Walking next to his sister he said, "It has been a... while, how are you doing?" Hestia seemed to brighten instantly. "I'm doing great! Thank you for all the nice gifts, sorry I didn't send you any. Did you know uncle Mooney is a werewolf?"
"I was not expecting any gifts. Aloreaa made all of them since our five year old Christmas. I did know Remus is a werewolf as myself and Aloreaa are also wolves of the moon."
At this Hestia sobered up and Hadrian drifted to walk with Aloreaa. Remus watched this sadly. He knew that Hestia was just feeling bad for them, but it still stung. Hopefully the two would talk to others at Hogwarts. Making their way to Gringotts with the normal interruptions about the girl-who-lived, it was nice to be with other 'wolves of the moon' as Bambi put it. But no, Bambi was no more. His Pup. And so they reached Gringotts. James walked up to a goblin and said, "I need to open Hestia Albus Potter's school vault. I also need Hadrian James Potter's. Aloreaa, what are we doing for you?"
"May I please access the Fairy School vault please. Also Hadrian and I have discussed, and we wish for blood tests to be done if it is within our budget. Thank you!"
The goblin and the rest of the party looked at the small pack. Shrugging, the goblin brought them to a cart. They got in and, Woosh! They arrived. Hestia retrieved her things with James and Mooney followed Harry. "How am I going to carry this around?!"
"Yup. This is why the muggles are great."
They laughed. Harry grabbed what he thought he would need(with some guidance from Lupin) and they met back up with the others.
"So, um, Aloreaa, what is the blood test thing you were talking about?" Said Hestia.
Harry chose to answer the question. "We read about it in the wizardry section of a muggles library."
"Why they had the section don't ask me."
"Shut it Lore. We were reading about goblin culture,"
The goblin smiled.
"When we came across a blood test. The book was manly written for first generation witches and wizards, but we thought it would be fun to try anyways. After we get Lore's things you can try."


  "Alright. Each of the children place eight drops of blood on the parchment using the silver knife placed in front of you. I will explain the results when you are finished."

  Each of the children did as instructed and the knife sealed the wound. Looking at the papers, each read in their head.


/Hadrian James Potter/
Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans (pure blood, line of squibs, deceased)
Father: James Potter (pureblood)
Blood Status: Pureblood

Active Abilities:
•Moon Transformation (Werewolf
•Alpha (Werewolf
•Speed Healing (Werewolf
•Parseltounge (Mother, Other
•Night Vision (Other

Dormant Abilities:
•Face Change (Father
•Transfiguration (Father
•Light Manipulation (Other

Lord/Heir of:
•Potter (Heir
•Lupin (Heir
•Evans (Lord Reserved
•Slytherin (Second Heir -UC-

Current Properties:
•Potter Manor
•Godric's Hollow
•Lupin House
•Evans Manor
•Evans Vacation House

•345 (Evans
•678 (Potter
•989 (School
•1043 (Lupin


/Hestia Albus Potter/
Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans (pure blood, line of squibs, deceased)
Father: James Potter (pureblood)
Blood Status: Pureblood

Active Abilities:
•Transfiguration (Father
•Flower Use (Other

Dormant Abilities:
•Face Change (Father
•Parsletounge (Mother
•Soul Speak (Other

Lady/Heir of:
•Potter (Second Heir
•Black (Heir
•Evans (Heir
•Radus (Heir
•Farrs (Heir

Current Properties:
•Black House
•Evans Manor
•Evans Vacation House
•Radus Cottage
•Farrs House

•346 (Evans
•512 (Black
•990 (School
•1032 (Farrs
•1250 (Radus

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