Hey Neville

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  "Okay, so what should we get first?" James asked. They agreed to start with robes. Hestia got what she needed for school and a muggle outfit as that was what Hadrian and Aloreaa said was comfortable. Hadrian got school things and a dress robe, and Lore just got school clothes and some more hair clips. They got potions materials and pens and quills, all different colors of ink, their telescopes and caldrons and what else they needed until all the needed were pets and wands. It was wands first. Aloreaa walked around trying to find a wand that felt right, and Hadrian and Hestia waited. A blonde boy who had got there before them finally found his wand. On his way out he spat to Hestia "Out of my way, half blood." Then, he noticed Harry and, for a spilt second, his gaze softened. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He said with a nod.
"The Malfoys are pure blooded prats who lied and said they didn't serve the snake faced lord. You don't need to worry. If he ever comes back, I'll defeat him again and put his filthy servants in jail!" Said Hestia while she tried it wands. In the end she only tried three before getting one with unicorn hair, rather stiff, 10 inches, and ash. Aloreaa found a wand that had the right core and just needed a different wood. Harry went through the entire store so he and Lore went to the back room together.


  It was just so strange. His wand had the brother core to Voldemort's. Phoenix feather, 13 inches, somewhat flexible blackthorn. On the other hand, Lore's wand sounded cool. Red oak with dragon heart string, 14 1/4 inches, amazingly bendy. It almost matched her perfectly. Now they were in a owl shop with some weird name he couldn't remember. Hestia was squealing about a snowy owl and Harry was getting a massive head ache. If this kept up he would growl at the next person to speak. They finally got back to Potter Manor and he plopped down on one of the guest beds.


At this point, Hadrian had accepted it. His family was weird. They were WIZARDS for Merlins sake! So why were they entering a sacred place through a muggle railway without a second thought for what muggles saw?! Oh well. The train itself was beautiful. Aloreaa had run ahead to get them a compartment. When it was time to say good bye his father just stood there awkwardly. As the Lord of an Ancient and Noble house you would think he would be better with words but no...

Walking into the compartment with Aloreaa in it, he was surprised to see a boy somewhat large boy with brown hair and a toad.
"Is it still okay if I sit here? I really don't want to be an intrusion."
"Of course it's fine. Aloreaa and I would pleasure to sit with you." Hadrian assured. The boy introduced himself as Neville Longbottom. Harry stiffened at the last name but still started a pleasant conversation about a rare muggle flower and potential magic properties it had.


Short chapter but I need help. What house should Harry be in? Also, Neville's house? I probably won't do Slytherin for Harry unless it gets really popular. It anyone wondered about Aloreaa, her mother was a Lovegood and her father was a half blood. Thanks a lot! 💜

Lost Light [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें