Houses Don't Matter

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After the conversation about plants was over, a silence overtook the group. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comforting. It was just silence. Hadrian took out his book on magic cores, Aloreaa fiddled with some pieces of metal that seemingly came from nowhere, and Neville read Hogwarts; A History. It was about twenty minutes later that the door opened. The blonde who Harry had previously met and two... bodyguards... stood outside the compartment.
"So, you're the brother of Hestia Potter. What is it like, living with a spoiled baby?"
"I don't really know her."
At this point Neville was shocked.
"I didn't grow up with her, I lived in a different house."
Draco and his bodyguards were forced inside by the Trolley Witch and, after procuring food, the conversation continued.
"So, Longbottem, Potter, who is your other friend?"
"I am Aloreaa Fairy. Who are your companions?"
Crabbe and Goyle were introduced and the car fell silent. Again. Crabbe and Goyle were more interested in sweets than anything, Draco wrote a letter to his father, and the others resumed what they were doing before. After a while Aloreaa looked up. "Alpha? What if we are in different houses?"
"Houses don't matter. They are simply placed to sleep and friend recommendations. You and I are bound by magic and the moon. When friends are made, they last through opinions."
The entire car relaxed at the first few words. Though they were understandably confused by the moon part.


The Great Hall was an adventure in itself. To get to it the first years rode boats. One of Crabbe and Goyle's boat mates fell into the water and got rescued by the giant squid. Malfoy said he was a Weasley, then the first years got a speech about sorting and points, given by Professor McGonagall. They walked into the hall that had an amazing ceiling, and Aloreaa cracked a joke about why it was called the 'Great Hall' with a capital G. Harry was pretty surprised about the fact that they were being sorted by a hat, but adults will be adults. He didn't really pay attention to the sorting until Aloreaa was called.

A Fairy ay? I remember your father and mother well. You have a brilliant mind when devoted.
'Yes. But do I have a mind with the cunning of Slytherin?'
You do have the ambition. Yet are you sure Gryffindor is not for you? There are two others with similar minds.
'I am sure.'
Alright. Good luck in "Slytherin!"

The next of Harry's group was Draco.

You would do well in Ravenclaw. But that is not for the best, is it?
'Father would be furious.'
So it's Slytherin then?

Neville was sorted.

Gryffindor or Hufflepuff? You have the potential for both.
'I... I want to prove to my friends that I care about them.'

And then it was Hadrian Potter's turn. When his name was called out whispers filled the hall. It seemed almost no one knew who he was.

Mr. Potter. What an interesting mind you have.
'How are you in my head?'
It is how I sort you. I am enchanted to do so.
'Can I trust you not to give away my secrets?'
Of course. Now, you could fit into any house, but what do you want? You are brave, but not reckless. Loyal to your pack and beliefs, cunning and intelligent .
'Put me where you see fit.'
I am requesting your help.
'And I am giving you full control.'
Then we are at a stand still. I will give you a house, but you will not entirely fit in. "Ravenclaw!"
All that could be heard after was silence. Hadrian gracefully slid off the stool and walked to his table. The Ravenclaws clapped unsurely as he did so. Hestia Potter was called and the hat immediately put her in Gryffindor.

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