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Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to me!
This is kind of entitled,
But happy birthday to me!
Yes! On the day this has come out, it is my birthday! And, because this is the one day of year talking about myself is perfectly fine, I am going to do it! Also, I still have no plan for year two. Anywho... This is the the only book I update regularly at this point in time. Hence, I am going to put a new one up. I'll put the description at the bottom. It's not Drarry or WBWL, but like I said, birthday! It is actually dark!Harry where he is the infamous boy-who-died. Kinda different from this. There is some voting in the book which is the main reason I'm plugging it here. Anyhow, here, finally, is your chapter!


  The first petrification was discovered when some water trickled down the stairs after dinner. Being Hogwarts, everyone raced upstairs, following the water. It seemed the ghost of the girls' upstairs bathroom had flooded the toilet. But the saw a cat hanging there. Filch's cat. He came to see what the commotion was. Turning to Ron, who was standing closest to the cat, "You've murdered my cat. I'll kill you!" He tried strangling Ron but Dumbledore stoped him. Harry couldn't help but wonder how Dumbledore seemed so calm. It was almost strange. But Harry wasn't going to complain. Something told him this wouldn't be the last time someone was petrified.

  He was right. Only two weeks later two girls were found petrified. They were both fifth year muggle borns. It was Luna who brought about a solution.
"Two weeks ago I checked out both copies of 'Hogwarts; a history' and I figured now you guys might want to use them."
Draco and Harry both stared at her shamelessly while Lore and Blaise fell into laughter. Neville groaned.
"There's a four week long wait list for that book and you've had both copies."
"Yes Neville. See, I was looking for the chapter about the nargle revolution and I couldn't remember if it was in the self updating one or the ancient one, so I got them both. It says in the ancient one that the Chamber of Secrets holds a beast that mister Slytherin alone could control and in the newer one it says it was thought to be opened by Rubious Hagrid in the early fifties."
They agreed it was time to pay Hagrid a visit. But Hagrid already had some company.

Severus Snape paced around Hagrid's hut. He had, of course, been told by Dumbledore that Hagrid had been framed in the past. But there was something dark about how Hagrid was acting. He had come for a visit and to warn the man about the petrifications. After all, Hagrid had saved him when that creature, the werewolf, almost got him. It had been Hagrid's first year on the job too. So he felt something akin to friendship for the man. But Hagrid was all bumbley and nervous. What was going on?


Book: Say Hello To a Dead Dream
"It is rather irresponsible to leave a child of not two years alone on a doorstep."

Despite the words of Minerva McGonagall, Hadrian Regulus Potter-Black, infamous boy-who-died, was left on the steps of his magic-hating relatives. Not that he stayed there for long. By the time he was eleven and old enough for magical schooling, he had a new identity.

Upon entering the magical world, he quickly learned not everything is as it seems. How come his supposed 'people' hated him and no matter what he did he couldn't understand their logic?

He did, however, make some quick decisions about how their negative opinions would affect him. He decided to play the part they wanted. But what started as a gag, a quick trick, a fun game, soon turned real. He went dark. It was surprisingly fun!

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