Voting And The Mini Misadventures Of Hestia Potter

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I originally asked for suggestions for Harry & Neville's houses, but now I don't need them anymore, so I'll put some explanation down below.

Personally, I can't see canon Harry as Slytherin, AT ALL. He gets angry very easily, refuses to even pretend to listen to the other side for a moment, and has almost no sense of self-preservation. NONE of these things are Slytherin, so I'm fairly certain that the hat was just sensing Voldie's horcrux. Now, it's very possible that the horcrux is part of the reason that he's so moody, but still. Canon!Harry is more Hufflepuff than anything.

I know, I know, there are LOADS of votes for Slytherin!Harry. However, a) They've all come a little late, and I was very eager to start the story, so he ended up not being in Slytherin. And b) It still doesn't make sense with his personality. Were!Harry doesn't have any grand ambitions as a first year, and he's just coasting by on luck this whole time, never pushing himself or trying to hide things.

Also, Mini Chapter!

Hestia On The Train

  Did Harry really just leave me?! I get it, but if he had just been patient Dad would have said goodbye. I am sitting with my friend Lavender. She got a new puppy this summer! I was really excited to hear. We already got one visitor. It was the blonde prick, Draco Malfoy. He is the absolute worst. I think I will challenge him to a wizarding duel at the end of the year. Harry can be my second and then we will bond. Oh, here is the trolley witch now! Alright, I'm back. I got so many licorice wands, you WILL not believe. They have got to be the best candy. I wonder whether Harry has tried them yet? Nope! No more writing about him. Although, his friend is kind of interesting...

Alright, it's almost the end of the train ride, but I just made a new friend. Her name is Hermione Granger. She's really smart and wants to be in Gryffindor. I hope she helps me study for my tests. Or better yet, copy. Alright, we just stopped.

-Hestia Albus Potter

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