The Chase

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  A few months after the WFT1 made their move, the other two contestants joined the race. Team Voldemort/Quirrell went through the trapdoor and made his way easily to the key room. A quick "accio" showed which was the correct one and Quirlmort transfigured a pebble into a broom so he could fly up and grab it. He completed the other tasks with ease but could not find how to get the stone out.

  The golden trio had a much more interesting story.

  Hestia, Lavender, and Hermione crept into the room that had held Fluffy, only to find it completely empty. They held hands and jumped through the trapdoor on Hestia's count of three. They landed in devil's snare. "Oh, the poor plant, it has no light to grow. Hermione, do a light spell, you're good at that." Hermione lit up her wand and the plants receded. They all landed with a thunk. Hestia looked indigent.
"The plant tried to eat me!"
In the next room the all sat on chess pieces and Lavender used a few plays she had learned to win the game of chess, sacrificing herself in the process.
"Hestia, you need to go on. I'll take Lavie and tell Dumbledore!"
"Nonsense. In chess after the pieces are destroyed they're rebuild in the prison. Lavie will be fine. We can pick her up on the way back."
"But wouldn't that only work for the pieces?"
"Hermione, you're meant to be smart. Come on."
They came upon a room filed with keys. Hermione noticed one had a bent wing and Hestia flew using the broom in the corner to catch it. They hurried on to the last room. Hermione solved the riddle and went back to help Lavender, and Hestia progressed onwards.
"Professor Quirrell, what are you doing here? We need to protect the stone from Snape. Don't worry, I'm the Girl-Who-Lived. He can't get it for his evil master! So you should be lookout while I get the stone."
Quirrell looked surprised but did as he was told.
"I got it, I got it! Wait-"
Quirlmort spin around to see a small glass bottle in Hestia's hand.
"You wretched girl! First you pretend to be the boy than you try to fool me! I'll kill you!"
Quirrell unwrapped his turban and ran a Hestia. He punched her in the eye and her hand dropped the glass bottle. Shards stuck out of both their feet. Hestia cried out.
"Stop it!"
"Really Quirrell. Stop being so muggle. Use your wand!"
Quirrell raised his wand and cast a bone breaking spell at Hestia's right knee. He cast three severing spells at her wand hand, one cutting open her wrist, and two in a V shape on her palm. Hestia lost her balance and lurched forward onto Quirrell. Her head hit the floor and supplied her with one last thought. 'No wizards duel, I guess.' Then she blacked out.

  Hestia woke in the hospital bed. Her right leg was sore all over, and her hand was wrapped in pink tinted gauze. Dumbledore sat in a chair next to her. On her other side was a pile of candy as one of the chess pieces.
"How long was I out?" She asked.
"Two days, eight hours, thirty five minutes, precisely." Said Dumbledore. "My dear, can you tell me want happened?"
"I, I wanted to protect the stone. My friends and I found out where it was and because I'm me, we thought I could protect it from Snape. But when I went in Professor Quirrell was there. He made think he was helping me. I saw the stone in my reflection and felt a weight in my pocket. But when I took it out there was only a small bottle. Quirrell was really Voldemort and he attacked me when he saw. But first he said something about pretending to be a boy. I don't know. When will I be able to leave?"
"Your father will pick you up next week, two days before the train leaves. Poppy says your hand will scar and you will need to learn how walk again over the summer. However, due to your actions, Gryffindor has won the house cup."
Albus left the room feeling troubled about Harry Potter.

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