Potions Practice

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The door to the potion lab billowed open. All of the students stared. "Five points from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor for staring." Potions was one of three classes all the houses had together. Harry was sitting with Draco as Aloreaa had sat with another Slytherin he didn't know the name of. Neville hadn't felt super comfortable so he sat with Hestia. Hestia was clearly trying to get closer to him but after her reaction to him being a werewolf he wasn't interested. They were brewing a simple cure for boils. At least, he hoped it was simple. Potions might have been his strong point had he never become a werewolf, but after his first accidental magic burst he stopped caring. Now, he was rather glad that he didn't have to do magic on the first day. He would fail miserably until his ninth try, most likely. Oh! Draco had started their potion. "So what can I help with?" "Start stirring. Do one stir clockwise every twenty seconds." Hadrian started to do so. Draco must be really concentrated as he hadn't looked up in a while. When he did he looked angry. "Sorry, my bad. You have to go half way around the calutron. Like this." Draco wrapped his hands around Hadrian's and did the correct motion. "S-sorry." Said Hadrian. Draco quickly removed his hands.  "Yeah."


  Harry and Draco didn't speak for the rest of the day. Aloreaa came with Harry to his common room since Ravenclaws didn't need to worry about their password getting out. Aloreaa blended right in with the ravens, after asking about guns. Harry was nervous after that question. Now that Aloreaa knew the biggest pranksters in school, no one would be safe.


Still have writers block. Might not update for a while.

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