Chapter 7: Mission Accomplished

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(y/b/n)= Your Brother's name
(y/b/f/c)= Your Brother's fav. color
(y/b/h/c)= Your Brother's hair color
(y/b/h/)= Your Brother's hair length


Ronald's POV

(y/n) went home, and while William was driving, Grell and I went back to the Society, and had a little chat.

William: So? How was it?

Grell: Aw! Too bad you missed all the fun!

William: Why what happened?

Ronald: I-

Grell: First, (y/n) saw an expensive necklace! Second, Ronald bought it! Third, Ronald bought (y/n) a (f/c) colored dress that was also expensive, but (y/n) look even more ravishing with it~! Forth, Ronald brought (y/n) to an expensive fancy restaurant! Fifth, He isn't the one who paid for the dinner, (y/n) did!!!!

Ronald: Because you told her that " I will have it under control!!! " -__-

Grell: It's because you kept on buying expensive things! That's why I thought you have a lot of money with you!

William: Enough, I understand Ronald..

Ronald: See!

William: But before you take a girl into a date, be sure the you have the money to provide her what she wants..

Ronald: Okay, I'll do it perfectly next time.

Grell: Hmph, If I we're the girl, I couldn't forgive you.

William: Tch, To bad you're not a Girl..

Grell: Will..! I heard that!

Ronald: Wahahahaha!!!

William: What? I know the truth hurts..

Ronald: Ahahahaha!

Grell: Fine! I'm leaving!

We got out of the car, Grell left while stamping his feet...

William: Don't stamp your feet like that! It's not "Grell-like!" ( Girl-like )

Ronald: Wahahaha!

Grell: Will...iam!!!

William: Just kidding.

Ronald: Hahah.. * Yawn * Well, I need to go home too William-senpai. See yah tomorrow...

William: Okay, But don't be late.

William back to his serious mode.. ' Aww that was over?! '

Ronald: Okay. * Yawn *

William: Oh, and the paper works. Don't make them into paper airplanes..

Ronald: Okay, I won't...

I took the paper works with me, and went to my office, and left it at my table.

William: Well?

Ronald: What?

William: It's already late at night, you should go home and have some sleep. We still have a new day tomorrow.

Ronald: Okay. Thanks William-senpai.

William: Goodnight.

Ronald: Goodnight too, William-senpai...

William left my office and I went home.

~ Time skip ~

I looked at my face at the mirror, I look so drowsy. I lean my head at my bed and started talking to myself.

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