Chapter 27: All for One, One for All, for Peace and Harmony.

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A/N: That picture above is Shima Sakon. ^_^


~ 4:30 in the Morning ~

Kurisuna's POV

I suddenly woke up because I sense something

Kurisuna: W-what was that?

I said and I slowly stood up. I opened the door and walk through the dark hallways... I walk and walk until I felt someone was gonna swing it's sword at me.

Luckily I dodge it quickly and I used my whip to stop the attacker and I pinned him at the wall!

" Urg. "

" What the? " We both said in unison.

I made my whip glow and looked closely at the attacker and I noticed it was just Mitsunari.

Kurisuna: Mitsunar-

Mitsunari: Shhh..

He stopped me by covering my mouth.

Mitsunari: You sense that too didn't you?

He whispered to my ear... Brr.. Goosebumps.. I just nod..

Mitsunari: Follow my lead and just be quite, okay?

I nod again.. And he let me go... We walk slowly until a cold wind started blowing from the windows and the torches light-off...

Mitsunari: What the?

I only shivered, until I noticed black feathers started falling!

Mitsunari: Kurisuna!

Mitsunari ran close to me but he was stopped because someone blocked him.

Kurisuna: Mitsunari!

Mitsunari countered the one who blocked him.

Kurisuna: Matsunaga...

Mitsunari: Hurry! Wake everyone up!

" It's no use... There all unconscious and paralyze... And they might be on their dream world by now... " Matsunaga said to us. And he attacked Mitsunari again.

I can hear swords clashing. Until

" Fire them all up!!! Burn and destroy! " I heard a very familiar voice. And I saw violet smokes entered the window...

Mitsunari: Huh?! Cover your nose Kurisuna!

Mitsunari said to me while attacking Matsunaga.

" No need for that Mitsunari-sama. " said by a familiar voice and he cover my nose with a handkerchief. And I looked back to see the guy who covered my nose... And I was no other than Shima Sakon...

Kurisuna: Shima! It's good to see you here!

Shima: Well of course Milady... I'll be loyal as Mitsunari-sama!

He said while playing with he's dice...

Mitsunari: Oh why won't you just shut up.

Mitsunari said while hitting Matsunaga so hard that he fall back...

Matsunaga: Ugg...

Shima: Oh, come on Mitsunari-sama.. Your so cold as ever!

Shima said to Mitsunari while revealing he's sword and try to hit Matsunaga but was shield by Kotaru..

Matsunaga: Perfect timing...

And Kotaru started to attack Shima but I shielded him. I kicked Kotaru outside. But he manage to stay still that's why I punched him out of the window using of course an uppercut. xD

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