"Stop! I said I don't want to talk about it. Please just drop it."

"It's still a touchy subject, I see. I'll leave it alone for now but this ain't over." He rolled his eyes. "I'm going to cook us a nice lunch. Go read a book or something."

"This is the last time you'll talk to me like a child." I settled on the couch downstairs, powering on the TV.

"Maybe if you stop acting like my niece we wouldn't have a problem."

"Shut up." Loud thundering rang throughout the house. I knew it was about to start raining soon. I pulled out my phone to check on Lavender. She hated the thunder with a passion. She was with Karsyn for the day. Before I could call, he was already calling me.

"How is she?"

"She forgot Mr. Cuddles."

"I thought I put it in her backpack. She must have taken it out and forgot to put it back. The rain is starting to get heavy, just hurry here."

Lavender couldn't live without her Mr. Cuddles. He was a teddy bear my dad had put up for when I have a kid. I thought it was sweet and I cried my eyes receiving it. When you pressed the button his voice rang out the words "Good night, I love you."

It was the only thing she had of him and wouldn't live without him. It was always a bittersweet moment for me.

I quickly ran upstairs to her room, searching for the bear. Once I found him laying perfectly on her play table, the doorbell rang. I rushed back downstairs to open the door. My eyes met Karsyn and he didn't look happy to see me.

"Come here, bubbies." I grabbed Lavender out his arms noticing the tear stains on her face. "I got Mr. Cuddles for you."

"I didn't mean to leave him."

"I know. You missed mommy?" I kissed her face repeatedly waiting for a smile. She pushed her face into my neck giggling lightly.

"Yes." She jumped down to grab her bear and ran off to the kitchen with Noah. I turned my attention to Karsyn, once I saw him trying to walk to his car.

"Come in."

"Nah, I got a couple of clients."

"Nobody is getting their haircut in this weather. The storm is getting worse, just come inside until it clears. Lavender would want you to stay."

"For a couple hours." His face was cold and I knew he wasn't feeling me at all. I honestly wouldn't want to be around myself but I didn't need him crashing.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm not eating shit you got to offer."

I held back my laugh. "Noah is cooking."

"Like sister, like brother. He might try to kill me next. I'm just going to chill with my daughter and leave when the rain stops."

I nodded with a frown on my face and began to massage my temples. I could feel a headache coming on. Rushing upstairs, I decided to lay down until the pain ceased.

"Fuck." I moaned in pain. I shifted around in bed trying to get comfortable and not think about this awful headache.

"You haven't been taking your medicine?" Karsyn's voice filled my room causing me to jump. He was standing at the door with his hands in his pockets. The mug still hasn't left his face but concern was laced in his tone.

"It makes me sleepy and nauseous. I don't like feeling that way when Lavender is around."

"Luna, I'm here. If you're hurting take the medicine and I'll look after her."

I sat up and looked him in the eyes. "Why? I know you want to get me back for what I did to you. What better way to do when I'm fucked up, right?"

"What type of nigga you mistake me for? I know I fucked up and put my hands on you but I was angry. You did some messed up shit and I got heated. You know the kind of person my dad is and he ain't raise me like that. I apologize for putting my hands on you. We have a daughter together and we need to get along for her sake."

He was absolutely right. We have been acting like children from the moment I found out I was pregnant. We'll get along here and there but it was always something on each part. I need to put my pride to the side and be the bigger person.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled meeting his graze. His face softened slightly once he seen me get up and move towards him. "I didn't think about the consequences that could've happened if my little plan went wrong. I apologize for lacing your water and giving you penicillin, knowing you're allergic. You could've died and it would've been my fault. Our daughter would hate me and grow up fatherless."

The words flowed out my mouth until I got tongue-tied at the word father. I missed my dad so much. I let my own angry towards Karsyn almost leave Lavender without one.

"I already forgave you, ma. I was just waiting for you to say those words. Don't let that shit happen again."

As he looks down at me, his gaze was intense. I swallowed the lump in my throat staring back at him.

With his graze never breaking, he draws closer

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With his graze never breaking, he draws closer. I shock myself by touching his cheek softly, then tilting his head for our lips to meet. Our lips brush across before thunder claps even louder this time, and my TV goes completely off with a wink.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" Lavender screamed once the lights went out.

"I got her. Just go take your medicine before ya head bust." He laughed leaning down to kiss my forehead then rushed out my room, leaving me in silent thoughts.

I almost kissed Karsyn.

Ooooh sucky sucky now😏

Okay, I know I been slipping but my mind has been in another place

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Okay, I know I been slipping but my mind has been in another place. I didn't want to half-ass my work, so I waited until I felt comfortable enough to update. But let's talk about Miss Luna baybeeee. She hasn't been acting like herself🤨 Maybe she needs a snicker😭

Let me know what y'all think🤔




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