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Deb, Paul, and The Buckinghams's-Stevie Included-were walking out of the high school at the same time when two girls ran up to them. Felicity started crying and they just wrapped their arms around her. 

"It's been a while," Leighna says into the hug.

"Too long," Holly adds. 

Leighna and Holly where Felicity's best friends in college. Leighna was an education major and Holly an electric engineer. They started out at roommates and even though they all graduated at different times they stayed roommates until there was only one left standing...Felicity. As she was double-majoring she had to stay an extra semester at college. 

"Holly please tell me he didn't do it to you." Felicity looks at her.

"It was never Bryan it was Derrick that did it too me. Especially when we'd do tutoring sessions. It was always at the school library but Bryan always brought Derrick. I think Bryan made me off-limits because I was close to you. He'd always ask about you, you know. I mean he's...he's your dad so despite the hard disposition he showed you it was always followed by a little hint of love." Holly sighs.

"Hol, he signed over parental rights when I was eighteen. He's not been my dad for about seven years. Paul was more of a father to me then Bryan was...but speaking of my dad. These are my biological parents. Lindsey and Stephanie." Felicity motions to her parents. 

"It's nice to meet you, we're her best friends...I'm Holly." The blonde with blue eyes grins.

"And I'm Leighna." The brunette with green eyes replies. 

"Nice to meet you." Stevie smiles sweetly. 


The next day, arriving at San Jose State a non-winter chill ran up her spine. The place seemed eerily quiet and it felt like everyone was looking at her. And in a way they were, simply because she was surrounded by two famous people and she wasn't really dressed to be on campus. She and Adam had agreed to dress up to meet with the president. So, she had on a mid-thigh bodycon belted black and white plaid skirt, a black three quarter length teeshirt of Stevie's tucked into it, a pair of black tights on, and a pair of black five-inch high heeled. velvet black boots falling at her knee that looked as if they stepped straight out of the eighties. She had curled her blonde hair and gathered the strands up to create a slightly prom-Esque bun at the base of her neck and she was twisting at the rings on her finger simply because she was nervous and she couldn't play with her hair. 

When they made it to the president's office, Felicity's hand fell to her stomach. She was nervous very nervous. The secretary let them in and the twins took the two chairs where Brooke, Stevie, and Lindsey lingered in the back. 

"It's been a while." The president starts.

"It has, yeah." Adam looks down.

"So what's this meeting about?" She questions.

"We just...we feel horrible about what happened. We had no idea that this was going on and if there's anything we can do." Felicity starts.

"Felicity, you're condolences are all that's really important. He didn't rape them, he didn't take money from them, just giving your support is the best thing." The president soothes taking her hand.

"Even so, that's like...that's not enough for us." Adam shakes his head.  

"Well...Stevie Nicks is an alumnus of San Jose State..." The president trails off.

"And?" Adam questions. 

"And...you and your sister made waves in the school of music. Call it, after the storm...A private performance... I'm not trying to exploit you or anything you don't have to agree to it. But like the two of you and Stevie could each sing for us. It'd be free for the public. Students get first dibs...maybe give a little talk about life after San Jose State. You'll have to answer questions about the case, but I mean..." The president brings up.

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